variables - what kind of datatype should i use for this 600851475143 in c++? -

I am using c ++, even though I declare long int, there is an error like that. ....

  long int number = 600851475143; WARNING: The integer for the 'long' type  

is very long continuous, in which case what datatype should be used?

It depends on a lot of platforms and compilers that you are using.

If you are on an x64 platform, then a long datatype should work in C ++. 9223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 with a long-signed category on the other hand an unsigned long time between 0 to +18,446,744,073,70 9,551,615

Apart from this, there are some other datatypes based on the compiler and platform, which are effectively the same thing (doubleword, landed, long long, quad, quadword, int64).

C (not C ++) supports long long data types. Say if you are on Fedora 10 x32, then GCC 4.3.0 supports long datatype, but you should put the URL after the big word.


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