winapi - Not receiving WM_QUERYENDSESSION when minimized to system tray -
I'm trying to capture WM_QUERYENDSESSION to save some data in the app but it seems I get this message Not being logged on user lockoff / system restart, when the app is reduced to the system tray, how can I catch it?
Thank you.
The relevant code (there is no magic in it, hopefully :)):
ON_WM_QUERYENDSESSION () BOOL CMainFrame :: OnQueryEndSession () {AfxMessageBox (L "We kill it Are you? "); return false; }
I'm using a third party Lib (codejock) for the tray icon, which I probably can not post here, but generally, to process these messages Makes a hidden window, but the main window is only needed when ShowWindow (SW_HIDE) is needed that I have to stop that message in that hidden window and pass it, I need to do it Will be.
This is basically eaten by a third-party class, which I have to fix.
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