c# - Aggregate roots. How far does the rabbit hole go -
I am trying to use the repository pattern for my current project and I currently try to model the process Find the domain and total roots in
I have read the 'Cascading Delay' rule, which states that if a member is to be removed, when the root is removed, then it should not be part of the root.
The police incident will be used as an example: -
Event (Gross Route) - It may include investigating officers, notes made by each officer, including the suspects along with those dates. Who had been met Was the CCTV footage received for the incident? CCTV can be seen every time and who?
It appears that copies made with CCTV can be very large at this event, because it appears that everything is hanging on that incident.
My question is two times, how much is the management of the gross root and roots in the roots should be a good idea?
This may not be a good example because you probably can not remove anything like a police incident, but I hope it will better describe my question.
There is usually context for other aggregate roots These references should be removed, when all the inserted is removed, but the set which they say will remain.
A report that we consider to use your parallelism is only a part of an incident total, and it will be removed altogether. No other reports can directly access these reports.
However, the total number of this incident represents context aggregates, executives, and suspects, and CCTV displays entries viewing.
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