flex - AdvancedDataGrid problem with programmatically adding a column -

Code> var cols: Array = thisDataGrid.columns; Cols.push (DGC); This Data Grid Column = column;

Creates a column, adds it to the columns array, the bot, the previous code line has no effect. This data will be found in this datagrid crawl property ...

What could be the problem? I am working with a trial license, and a watermark appears on the Advanced Data Grid. Can this be the problem?

Thanks for the help!


I had the same problem and resolved it by ensuring that I add my ADG object to the Active Visual Component. In my case, I had called on this. After updating the AdG.column property (ADD) or Adelament (ADG)

It seems that ADG properties will only be updated when "attached" to the ADG active visual component. I have not taken the time to actually see because of this behavior.


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