grails - What makes nimble better than shiro? -

What makes a better choice than Shiro?

I am trying to make decisions between nimble and shirk. I am still curious to a new village project which makes better choices.

I am currently working with nimble and this is that I have found so far: < / P>

Unless you are planning to use a lot of SSO / Social Connectors (Facebook etc.), just use your own head to make your roll easier. Of course, if you are not worried about serious problems allowing serious levels, huge powers May include say go for it.

One thing I want that someone told me: Nimble uses the "most approvable" scheme if a user is a member of a group in which access to a resource (i.e. the controller / action combo) You can not remove that permission from the user only. If you want tight control over your app, then there may be some issues with it.

Another annoying thing about nimble is that the documentation is somewhat more distant.

Good luck!


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