licensing - Adding License Agreement in RPM package -

Is it possible to add license agreement to this RPM package? When a user installs RPM, the user must be prompted to accept the license agreement.

This is a bad idea for both technical and user-interface reasons.

Not only because there can be no display during installation, but also because any user can not be run during the installation or for the first time, or the RPM file The removal mechanism can not support any method to display the text or accept the input.

Essentially, if you have to do this, then at least the worst way to do is, Ignacio has suggested, which is the sun, and no such restriction If you create an RPM file, then put it into a self-extracting binary, which displays the license, prompts the user and then opens the RPM in the spirit of wasting the user's experience, Will be set Like this is made by the sun ..

The correct way to do this course is to include the license field and a file as % doc in which your licensing terms are included, Click-through 'phase, which is probably unacceptable to your lawyer, although it is considered widely unenforceable.

This RPM is a part of the guidelines that talks about this type:

Package interactive pre-install, post-install, pre-uninstall, or post-uninstall Can not use scripts. The user should never be prompted at any time during installation, updating or deletion - everything should be completely automated.

Remember, the first impression for your product can be either:

or this:


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