C# Regex quick help -

I am trying to read a text file, and then breaks it from each line that is "\ n". Then do it again and type regedix.

  string content = file. Read all the text (filename); String [] firefox = file name. Sample ("\ r \ n"); String prefix = prefix = regesx. Match (Firefox, @ "(\ d)"). Group [0]. value; File. Application all text (working format 2 + "configuration.txt", prefix);  

string [] Firefox = file name. Sample ("\ r \ n"); Does not work at all

What I want to do, runs the regex front line of content and then write each line after regex

so ...

< P> filename:
Hero 123
Hero 243
Hero 5959

writes this:

595 5959

OK , Everybody is suggesting some of the bases in which I started the regex with a 20-line Inge about the end result. I've got to parse it out of the line.

  var rows = file. Read Line (Basic Path); File. Select All Lines Merge (Newpath, Lines. (L = & gt; Reggae. Match (l, @ "\ d +"). Value) .Oir ());  


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