iphone - Getting a pointer or reference to a member of another object -

There is a newbie problem with purpose- c, cocoa and amp; IPhone - Phone I have declared a map view in my app representatives applicationDidFinishLaunching: Application: which is an example / indicator of the MKMapView class. mapView is a member of my application representative.

viewDidLoad in my view controller: I get an example of my application representative with the following:

  app deliaget = [[UIApplication shared application] representative];  

My View Controller also got MKMapView * mapView as a member. In ViewDidLoad: I try to set it up like this:

  mapView = [appDelegate mapView];  

But it seems that I am not able to get the pointer or "reference" to the actual map view because when I [mapView sets Reciean: field animated: yes]; it does not work [[appDelegate mapView] setRegion: field animated: yes]; works.

So the question is how do I get an indicator on appDelegates mapview

It looks like you're caching View Map of your App Representative However, it is possible that when you do this cache, Until then it is not immediate yet (set a breakpoint at this place to tell you).

The answer to your question is: [App Dealgate Maps View] gives an indicator for the member viewing the app. However, if that member is zero, then this is what you will get back.


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