java - Control Oracle Forms with outside program -

I work in a company that uses form based Oracle 11i. Many employees complain of overload of data entry and I want to write a program that will reduce some pain because it is due to all the efforts to ask for the failure of IT.

The problem is, because the oracle form is Java based, there is no "control" as it will be on a Windows application or HTML based form. Does anyone know how to tell a PC (example only) Edit field 3 on RMA creation form and then enter data? The only way I can navigate programmatic is with Oracle Hotcases and it is very unbelievable.

I am not worried about language or learning a new application to solve this issue. Currently I Know (Primary for Intermediate Levels) Java, VB Net and school will take C ++. Is there any such tool, bridge, any kind of element spy that will allow me to send commands to the elements on the form?


APC SEZ: Oracle Form as a Java Applet in the form of web applet. I mention this because it can be relevant to your responses.

I would think it would be easy to modify the Oracle form itself. You need to trigger PL / You can add SQL, which should get you the most for data entry.


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