objective c - How access to response http headers from 'didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge' delegate method -

I need to deal with an HTTP authentication (401) using the NSURLConnection class, so I used "Connection: didReiveiveAuthenticationChallenge" Has implemented. Representative method

In this method, to answer the server challenge, I need the information contained in the HTTP server response header (WWW-Authentication Header). My problem is how can I use this header with this method?

(I noticed that the feedback headers are available from the NSURLResponse object (allHeaderFields method), but this object has been passed to the "Connection: didReiveiveResponse:" delegate method, too late to answer the server challenge Done.)

Regards Sebastien.

NSUrutitization challenge has a -failureResponse way. If that object is a NSHTTPURLResponse (and it should be for an HTTP connection!), Then you can query it for -allHeaderFields .


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