rspec - rails image_submit_tag with cucumber/webrat -

I have the following search form with image_submit_tag instead of submit_tag.

Now I fail clearly when the cucumber moves:

  When I fill "Q" with "true" / features / step_definitions / web_steps.rb: 33 And I suppress "submit" # features / step_definitions / web_steps.rb: 21 "Submit" button not found (Webrat :: NotFoundError) (eval): 2: in `click_button './features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:22 : In "^ ^ (?: | I) Press" ([^ \ "] *)" $ / 'FEATURES / SEARCH. Feature: 20: and I press "submit"' ' 

This fails Cause in search of the submit button.

Since I am using image_submit_tag, I What will be the webर्स / QC step for the form?

I tried to do this and it Id option:

& lt;% = Image_submit_tag "image_file_name" ,: id = & gt; "Submit"%>

and in this feature:

and I press "Submit"

Note that : title = & Gt; "submit" did not work (even if webrat docs say it checks for both : id and : title ) < / P>


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