svn - find all subversion working copies on machine -

How can I use the find unix utility to find copies of all work on the machine ? For example, I can use the find / -name .svn -type d command, but it outputs all the unnecessary results (many subfolders), while the mechanism of showing me Only the basic directory is required

There is a related question, but it really does not help in my case:

Maybe something like this?

  #! / Bin / bash if [-d "$ 1 / .svn"]; Then $ 1 for $ 1 and $ 1 in $, if [-D "$ d"]; Then ($ 0 $ d) fi; done with;  

Name it, for example -, make it executable, and . Call like / / var / www (Some tweaking may require. Straight trailing slash. Normalize directory names, but works for me in this form, when something goes without slashes Is called).


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