windows - Problem with Batch File -

I have the following batch file ... when I run it in a normal command prompt - it runs as expected. .. Find out that the server and destination are in existence, and backups and exits.

When I run it using the task scheduler - it sends an email that it can not get the server, but still backup ... can someone put some light on it?

I'm running it on a Windows 7 machine.

 : Check for network connection ... ping & lt; Server & gt; -N1 If Required "Answer by", if No Error Level 0 Goto No Networks If Not Available, then "\\" & lt; Server & gt; \ SHARE \ FOLDER "Goto Nofolder: Do Stop Robocopy" \\ & lt; Servers & gt; \ SHARE \ FOLDER "F: \ backup \ & lt; Server & gt; \ FOLDER "*. * / E / SEC / COPYALL / PURGE / V /LOG:"c:\logs?backup.FILENAME.log" / ZB / R: 5 / W: 20 / Tie Goto End: No Network Echo Network Not found ... c: \ Utils \ bmail.exe -s mailistister -t MAIL_TO -f MAIL_FROM -h -a "Error: Network not found ..." -b "FILENAME -" & lt; Server & gt; Not found "found end: Nofollow echo folder not found ... c: \ Utils \ bmail.exe -s mailers -t MAIL_TO -f MAIL_FROM -h -a" error: folder not found ... "-b" file name - Folder not found "Geto End: End Exit"  

Why file as batch Maybe the stock is unavailable, but Robocopy can access it, possibly Robocopy to access that network portion or at least one local user account Has been configured with the credentials, while the job scheduler is running a brick account under a difference?

Why will RoboCopy call in this script any time ... OK, I have no idea


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