php - can't send cache limit cheaker and problem in back button session variable still displaying after logout and if i prees back button -
hi all
enter user name and password in 1 user sign-in form. , The values are collected in the sign-in-action-form.fp page and I am storing user names in session variables such as databases I have a table designated employee
Now on each page I have given the link like this
Now by listening to my problem on every page I am "Welcome Mr.". Imprint. $ _ Session [employee '] [' user name ']; Imagine that I am on the signature page where other links like show files, upload files etc. Now with the sign out button, as I click on the sign out button, I am returned to the login page (not even a problem) but when I press the back button (now I'm rejecting) then I am again in the form of a sign and Mr. Lamp. Narwal is still showing there why why if I ended the session and why this name is being displayed..why me
2 This is being displayed on every page with another error in which the logout button and this session are being loaded ...
Warning: session_start () [function.session-start]: session cache limiter Can not send - Output started at header 7: E: \ xampp \ htdocs \ upload_file.php in header already sent (e: \ xampp \ htdocs \ upload_file.php: 6)
My logout-file.php page is & lt ;? Php session_start (); Session_unset (); Session_destroy (); Header ("location: signinform.php"); ? & Gt;
The session_start () method should be called when the file starts Try to keep it as an operation for the first time that you do in logout.
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