php - mySQL "Rank in Highscore"-Query -
Hi is a worldwide codec,
I am working on a project where the user does something Things and profit points for this, to simplify this question, let's say that we have received 2 tables users and points .
- Table user - Table numerals + --- ------------ + + ---------------- ------------- + | ID | Name | | ID | Points | User_id | + --------------- + + ----------------------------- + | 1 Tim | | 1 5 1 2 Tom | | 2 10 1 | Mark 3 | 3 5 1 4 Tina | | 4 12 2 5 Lutz | | 5 2 2 + --------------- + | 6 7 1 | 7 40 3 8 100 1 + ----------------------------- +
Full Coordinate list I use the following question to get the
SELECT u *, SUM (p.points) user by sumipoints as UIII Sum_points DESc
First of all users with the highest score
+ ------------ ---- -------------- + | ID | Name | Sum_points | + ---------------------- + + | 1 Tim 127 | 3 March 40 | | 2 Tom 14 | | 4 Tina 0 | | 5 Lutz 0 | + ------------------------------ +
Go back to the exact same question I want to show high ranking within the highest-ranked profile of a single user.
Can this be done only by an example, for example tom (id = 2) is given in position 3?
Thank you very much: -)
Ask this idea, "How many players Rank above @this_user ":
Choose from count (*) + 1 (/ * List of all users * / SELECT SUM (p.points)) Users with Sum_points leave the user u .user_id = GROUP BY points on PO) x / * Just calculate those people with more zodiac points * / where sum_points & gt; (Digits_id = @this_user)
To create 1-based results instead of (0-based
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