tcp - Erlang's maximum number of simultaneous open ports? -
Is there some limitations in the ERLing TCP / IP library? I searched something but could not find a definite answer.
I have set the ERL_MAX_PORTS environment variable for 12000 and have configured to use unlimited connections.
I have written a simple client application that connects to an epamode I have written for yaws and at the same time I am testing the number of simultaneous connections by customers of Launch X numbers.
I think that when I stop 100 clients, the server server receives more TCP connections and processes error with client value exiting
: {{badmatch , {Error, socket_closed_remotely}}
I know there should be a limit for the number of connections open together, but 100 actually feels less I have seen all the files and any limit on connection Has removed.
This is a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac running on Snow Leopard.
The Vista machine shows that I have the same problem on about 300 connections.
Is my test inappropriate? To wit. Is it silly to test the concurrency of the sex to open 100+ connections?
It seems that you press the system limit,
$ ulimit -n 500
Ergon has a limit of 1024 :
The maximum number of ports that can be opened at the same time is 1024 by default, but it can be configured Environment variable ERL_MAX_PORTS.
The system call has the parameter backlog that determines how many requests can be queued, please check if the connection requests are delayed. This may be your problem.
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