bash - how to remove command line color highlighting of Vista Samba shared directories in Ubuntu? -

I have a Vista share that appears in Ubuntu, but I want to highlight the Bash color on the directories / files I was a local directory / file

It is not I Bash, but LS environment variables LS_COLORS ls For colorization behavior determines on my machine:

 justin @ info-density: $ $ echo $ ls_COLORS not = 00: fi = 00: di = 01; 34: ln = 01; 36: pi = 40; 33: So = 01; 35: do = 01; 35: bd = 40; 33; 01: CD = 40; 33; 01: or = 40; 31; 01: su = 37; 41: sg = 30; 43: tw = 30; 42: ow = 34; 42: cents = 37; 44: East = 01; 32:  .tar = 01; 31:  .tgz = 01; 31:  .svgz = 01; 31:  .arj = 01; 31:  .taz = 01; 31:  .lzh = 01; 31:  .lzma = 01; 31:  zip = 01; 31:  .z = 01; 31:  .Z = 01; 31:  .dz = 01; 31:  .gz = 01; 31:  .bz2 = 01; 31:  .bz = 01; 31:  .tbz2 = 01; 31:  .tz = 01; 31:  .deb = 01; 31:  .rpm = 01; 31:  .jar = 01; 31:  .rar = 01; 31:  .ace = 01; 31:  .zoo = 01; 31:  .cpio = 01; 31:  .7z = 01; 31:  .rz = 01; 31:  .jpg = 01; 35:  .jpeg = 01; 35:  .gif = 01; 35:  .bmp = 01; 35:  .pbm = 01; 35:  .pgm = 01; 35:  .ppm = 01; 35:  .tga = 01; 35:  .xbm = 01; 35:  .xpm = 01; 35:  .tif = 01; 35:  .tiff = 01; 35:  .png = 01; 35:  .svg = 01; 35:  .mng = 01; 35:  .pcx = 01; 35: .mov=01;35:.mpg=01;35:.mpeg=01;35:.m2v=01;35:.mkv = 01; 35:  .ogm = 01; 35:  .mp4 = 01; 35:  .m4v = 01; 35:  .mp4v = 01; 35:  .vo b = 01; 35:  .qt = 01; 35:  .nuv = 01; 35:  .wmv = 01; 35:  .asf = 01; 35:  .rm = 01; 35:  .rmvb = 01; 35:  .flc = 01; 35:  .avi = 01; 35:  .fli = 01; 35:  .gl = 01; 35:  .dl = 01; 35:  .xcf = 01; 35:  .xwd = 01; 35:  .yuv = 01; 35:  .aac = 00; 36:  .au = 00; 36:  .flac = 00; 36:  Middle = 00; 36: . MIDI = 00; 36:  .mka = 00; 36:  .mp3 = 00; 36:  .mpc = 00; 36:  .ogg = 00; 36:  .ra = 00; 36:  .wav = 00; 36:   A different type of file specifier from each colon and indicates the color for the display. There is a good Raddin here. 


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