iphone - How do I really know when a UIButton has been released? -

I am running on an issue where I have a UIButton in which I want to track press / release events so I I'm attacking touch-down / touch-up events. Unfortunately, in some cases this will not track the touch up event - for example, if a warning pops up.

  - (IBAction) Button: (ID) sender; - (IBAction) Button: (ID) sender;  

How do I ensure that the view controller is notified when the button gets pushed / normalized, what is the reason for any reason?

You must also track the touch cancel event. Should do this.

Edit: Hmmm, what about UIControlEventAllTouchEvents ? You have to add it programmatically. I'm really surprised that it was not canceled. You can also try to cancel the - (zero) touch: (NSSet *) touches the event: (UIEvent *) Event in your UIViewController

  [myButton addTarget: self action: @Silterar (for all tactics) control events: UCentral eventsAlatouvents];  



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