WPF: Animating in XAML, rather than C#? -

. I am creating a user control that stands three vertical wafer month calendar (Master, Slave 1, and Slave 2) Does. I want to hide the second and third calendar until the host window is not enough to show the entire month - no partial calendar. I have implemented this feature, which is going to trap the shape-sync event in an event handler in the code-behind:

  /// & lt; Summary & gt; /// Only shows the entire calendar - the partially visible calendars are hidden I /// & lt; / Summary & gt; Private Zero OnSizeChanged (Object Sender, SizeChangedEventArgs E) {// Enlarge the window height newHeight = e.NewSize.Height; If (NewHight> 500) {Slave Calendar 1. Visibility = visibility View; Slave calendar 2 Visibility = visibility Visible; } And if (Newhite> 332) {Slave Calendar 1. Visibility = visibility View; Slave calendar 2 Visibility = visibility Hidden; } Else {SlaveCalendar1.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Slave calendar 2 Visibility = visibility Hidden; }}  

It works fine, but instead I will implement the feature in XAMML, and I'm not sure how to do it. Any suggestions? I'm not looking for someone else to write this - tell me in the right direction Thank you for your help.

You should be able to do it with XML templates and triggers. The event is triggered for an onesize event likely. I believe that


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