xerces - Tomcat CLASSPATH -

I have a very troubling problem:

My project (JSP, Servlet) Zersus-J 2.8 is required.1 or mostly but on our server (Tommak 5.5) AxS 2.6.2 always comes first and there is a serious error.

I checked $ CLASSPATH and some clean-up though, Xerces 2.6.2 is still there. Can anyone tell me how to find out where 2.6.2 is?

First, the environment variable $ CLASSPATH (and its Windows equivalent % CLASSPATH% ) ( java.exe in Windows) that any -cp - , -classpath and without is executed -or argument for this actual class Do not be confused in the form of that environment variable is forbidden as the (poor) feature for beginners only, which is the whole -cp or -classpath Muay do not want to type.

According to your real problem, Tomcat also uses Xerces to Xerx to Xerx files internally as they are underlined. If you have full control over the server, what you can do best, as mentioned in the document, is to put the Xerces JAR file in the / normal / supported / folder.


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