javascript - InDesign Scripting: Need to export INDD file as INX (INDX) -
I am working with InDesign CS4 and CS3. Both need to export my files to CS2 I want to use an .jsx code snippet to export to INDX, but I can not seem to - so with ExportFormat. "FormatName" JS code It does not seem that Adobe supports exporting javascript from indexes - possibly using a plugin (but it has a lot of overhead for a simple export).
In addition, I have to edit the .indx file (which is just XML) to change the file version node, so CS2 could read the exported file.
These layouts are very simple, minimal layers, no effects, so I'm not really worried about Downshaw.
Am I really getting spoiled is this:
How can I export from Indad (CS3 / CS4) using JavaScript scripting?
& lt; Doc object & gt; .exportFile (ExportFormat.indesignInterchange, & lt; fileObject & gt;)
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