php - Array of all subjects -

Let me first introduce two arrays to all the other subjects and all the degrees that are read in all universities (all over the world)

  But a big problem is that I do not know how many subjects and how many  

degrees are. (In the whole world)

I just want two arrame that I already made the remaining logic.

All topics should be like array list.

  $ theme [0] = & gt; 'Computer science', $ theme [1] = & gt; 'Math', $ theme [2] = & gt; 'Engineering', $ theme [3] = & gt; 
  $ degree [0] = & gt; BS ', $ Degrees [1] = & gt; 'Ms', $ deg [2] = & gt; 'Ba', $ deg [3] = & gt; "MA", ...  

Keep in mind that **

I do not know how many subjects and how many degrees. (In the whole world) ..


I just used these two categories in two different arrays; Everything ....

Can anyone help me? Thank you.

Your problem appears to be double-fold; The issue of catching data, and the issue of storing it in a way that allows effective recovery and use.

Receiving data is likely to be your biggest problem; You are literally seeking information about every institution in the world (or at least, as much as you can afford) the available qualifications and nomenclature vary widely among different countries, and the list of courses in any institution is vast Is going to be

This information is probably not possible to find a decent, machine-readable source. Your best bet will be to try and find many sources, but I'm struggling to think of any good people from above my head, and Google is also not promising you (sites like) Basically list higher education, which can try to evolve the data from the UK body) - I have linked them from their "Course list" pages. Identical body (and set the same data) does not exist or not, I know.

The second problem is quite simple; You will have a ton of data, so you will need to store it in the database. Then, it is not not possibly, you want to list the courses based on institutions and countries by the institution, therefore Make sure you do the data a little bit. You may have to do some work to identify the same degree grade (mentioned above) among different countries.


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