Python - Rpy2 - Can't import a bunch of packages -

I have just started using rpy2 with Python. I have set it up and able to do basic things, like the right plot function from within Python. I have used imported calls, which I have done:

  import rpy2 import rpy2.robjects  

I can work with the robbers I want to do it. However, if I want to use things like ggplot2, then I'm unable to get the related import to work. After the steps, I try: rpy2.robjects.packages from the importer

  but I get an error message that someone The module is not called "packages." I am not really sure why this is happening, because I am able to import other things from Robbie, such as rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri I am hoping that this is a clear problem that has been dealt with by other people. is! I did some googling and tried to roam the env variable with $ PYTHONPATH but I do not think this is a problem.  

You can do general library () from command robitzs.r Rpy2 Load a library in 2.0.x: rpy2.robjects r r.library ("lattice") from r.library ("ggplot2") to


or you 2.1 Upgrade to alpha and see what the new method works for you.


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