reporting services - SSRS error handling -

Is the SSRS a way to report its logs? I would like SSRS to report membership errors in a database, is there any way to do this?

Thank you

SSRS already reports your subscription status to the report server On the server that your SSRS example is running. You can run the following queries on your report server and it will show you the last run status of the subscription.

I send a report to the report server database that sends to different people in order to make them subscribe to the report that exists on the report server, in conjunction with an SSIS package this query is used

  select use ReportServer CatalogParent.Name ParentName, name --Folder Catalog.Name ReportName, --Actual rpt name ReportCreatedByUsers.UserName ReportCreatedByUserName, --first Catalog. Deployed by CreationDate ReportCreationDate, but --deployed ReportModifiedByUsers.UserName Repo RtModifiedByUserName, Recent revisions by catalog. ModifiedDate ReportModifiedDate, CountExecution.CountStart TotalExecutions, - Total number of execution since the execution of the deployment. Execution Execution Execution Name Last expelled Exchange. LastExecutedFormat, format --render ExecutionLog.TimeStart LastExecutedTimeStart, --start time ExecutionLog.TimeEnd LastExecutedTimeEnd, --end T Ime - it needs time to work, is not always what you expect. Execution log Time data retrieval Last translated data retrieval, execution logs. Processing of time process final execution time, execution log Time-rendering final problem timeline, - End execution log. Status Last Translated level, execution execution logs of report processing (no subscription). BitCount LastExecutedByteCount, - bytes returned (just because I can) execute entry. [Rochecount] LastXIdWorcount, Subscription Owner Username Subscription Owner Username, - Member Producer Subscription Modified Buys Username Membership - Authenticated Username, - Subscriptions Approval Approval. Modified Account Subscription Modified, latest approval date. Subscription details, - What membership does membership. Last Status Subscription LastStatus, Membership Last Initialization Subscription LastRunTime - Subscribed Time Expired It may be different to the last - especially if the report is included in the dbo.Catalog to cache the report dbo.Catalog CatalogParent --rs Catalog (all things deployed for Rs.) On Catalog.ParentID = CatalogParent ItemID is set dbo.Users are included ReportCreatedByUsers - All RS users on the list Prepared BID = Reported Users. Include UserID dbo. Modified coupler list on overload report. ModifiedByID = Report ModifiedByUsers.UserID left join (select ReportID, MAX (Taimstart) LastTimeStart dbo.ExecutionLog by ReportID by --self clarification Group) LatestExecution rather Catalog.ItemID = LatestExecution.ReportID over LEFT JOIN a listing life time --gets latest execution date than (selected ReportID by ReportID, cOUNT (initial) CountStart dbo.ExecutionLog Group) is the number of CountExecution - the former Ecutions (because we are) left = CountExecution.ReportID on Catalog.ItemID tax On the latestExecution.ReportID = ExecutionLog.ReportID LatestExecution.LastTimeStart = ExecutionLog.TimeStart dbo.ExecutionLog Join left Catalog.ItemID = membership dbo.Subscriptions Join --subscription details .Report_OID Left Information -user dbo.Users SubscriptionOwner include Subscriptions.OwnerID = SubscriptionOwner.UserID left're Join logging and report on dbo.Users SubscriptionModifiedByUsers -user information Subscriptions.OwnerID = SubscriptionModifiedByUsers.UserID order CatalogParent.Name, Catalog.Name  

stack trace, the Logfiles server The way is less straightforward!


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