- Can s#arp-architecture/mySQL run under medium trust? Alternatives? -
I am trying to get a shared prototype that is ASP.NET S # ARP-architecture (Sharp architecture) Uses the hosting site This site operates in the middle trust, which reveals problems with this profile. First of all I went on pursuing a wild goose pursuit with, but the latest version already supports partial trusted callers.
By now I found that the only way, which mainly describes the gathering of all things from the ground up, starts with various cast components. Is this the only way to do this work, and more importantly, does it actually work?
I have some good experience with S # Arch-Architecture, and there are only a few days to build this prototype, I thought S #Arap-Architecture would be a good match. . Therefore, my options have to be with SA, or to roll the MVC / NH / MSSLL application on the other side of the spectrum. Other suggestions (using NHibernate and ASP.NET MVC) are also welcome.
two times the answer: again - everything does work this To work on the hosting provider, I got a simple S # ARP-architecture app. I did not want to risk my prototype going on the deadline, so for the demo I directly connected with ADO.NET (gasp!) A direct Created simple app.
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