cocoa - IBPlugin and paths to framework -
IBCocoa simulator crashes when IB structure can not be found, I think that happens with you too I have the IBCocoa simulator I can run without crash, when I manually copy my framework + IB plugin from the build dir in / users / username / library / frameworks
. I'm doing it with Finder, it is not optimal, but it works
I have searched in a clever way and I am looking at each solution (BWW, BHD, Pokit, KTUKit), Works very differently. A solution runs a pseudo script that copies it to the system's extensive / library / frameworks
and another set @ loader_path
And again uses another @executable_path
. I had no luck with any of them and due to great differences this pattern is hard to see.
I'm confused
How can you configure the IB plugin, so that you can embed it in your app?
Update 1:
However, to solve it, after reading about using @rpith , I came to know how it works with my IBPlugin.
- Set the
- / code>
- for the MySmallFramework < MySmallPlugin set to
Runpath search path to
@loader_path /../ framework
- MySmallApp set
runway search path
@loader_path /../ frameworks
Most of you may be clear, but posted in your "Update 1" Plug-in given framework
(to comment directly to Nine's solution) Do not have enough points for "build" copy framework files "build step : so post replies)
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