database - How to filter posts with multiple category names in WordPress? -

I'm trying to work around a plugin for word press, this plugin lets you create events, and then make them The feeds in the SQL table in the Wordpress database. However, this plugin does not discriminate between different types of incidents, such as repeated events, one-stop events.

The beginning of my solution was to create a category called "recurring event", and when I posted the event, it was tagged again to the repetitive event. I then tried to compose a question that they would return the post, which was classified "function" but it will also make "repeating the developments."

S.post_ID and r.term_taxonomy_id = t.term_taxonomy_id and ts.term_id = t.term_id and name! There is a problem, in those positions whose range is "duplication", they also have a category "event" (they are meant to show in the calendar). Therefore, posts with category "recurring" are still shown because their category 'name' is not just "duplication", it is also "event"!

Wordpress function query_post () does not help because not only do I have to filter by category (which does query_post () ) , But I also need to be able to specify that the rows are returned from the query only to those who have the beginning date of today ( wp_ec3_schedule in the table is a column called 'Start' Which lists the start time of the event).

Any suggestions?


Not sure I understand everything, but take a look at this example. It lists the post_id list of posts on , which are in the how , but the categories Database and code .

  Select 'vp_term_taxonomy` as the' wp_term_relationships` as' wp_term_relationships` from post-id with 'object_ID' and 'wp_terax_taxonomy` on x xtter_taxonomy_id` = r.tterm_taxonomy_id` JOIN' wp_terms` In T.`term_id` = x.`term_id` where x.`taxonomy` = 'Category' and `slug` not equal to` 'how' 'and `object_id` (` wp_term_relationships select object_id` `` ar In the form of 'wp_term_taxonomy` as xx' ttm_tacconi_id` = rtmtaxanity_id` join 'as' wp_tarma` t as t. ttm_id` = xtorm_id`` Where X 'taxonomy' = 'category' and `slug 'IN (' database ',' code '));  


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