How to alter images/ to assets/images in MySQL data? -
I have the following table with the data.
create a table, otherwise the 'omc_product' (`id`int (11) tap etounment,` name 'varchar (255) null,' short disk varchar (255) not faucet, longscene text 'Thumbnail' varchar (255), image 'varchar (255) not tap, `class' varchar (255) default faucet, ... ... primary key (` id`)) engine = mesam default charge = Latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT = 121; - - Data dumping data for 'omc_product` -' omc_product` (`id`,` name`, `short disk ',` long dcc`, `thumbnail`,` image`, `class`,' grouping 'included Do, `condition` 'Jpg', 'newflight', 'imagebox-new', 'active', 5, '', 'none', 0.00), (2, 'ginny', 'new flight ginny', '', 'images / new 3, 'Trahas', 'Flight', 'New, Flight', 'Image Box-New', 'Active', 5, '', 'None', 0.00), 'Images / New Flight.jpg', 'Images / New Flight_Genny_big 1.jpg' 'Dit Hammellige Estates: Tray 'Im', '', 'image / treahs_sml.jpg', 'images / traheas.jpg', 'det-hacklelegest-institutional', 'imagebank-elect', 'active', 5, '', 'none' 0.00), (4) 'Anima Halloween', 'Folgate Feg & Culture ...
There are images in the thumbnail and all areas of the image / in the beginning.
Now I need to include the property / property in front of all of these images.
For the exam
< / P>Can anyone tell me How is that to do this?
P> Thanks in advance.
Try it out:
UPDATE omc_product SET image = CONCAT (' Property / ', image), thumbnail = CONCAT (' assets '', thumbnail)
If you have to do it more than once, Solutions are more 'safe':
As Bobby has mentioned in his comment, you can add a WHERE
section to not change those methods already Only property
UPDATE omc_product SET image = CONCAT (' Property / ', image), thumbnail = CONCAT (' property / ', thumbnail) where the thumbnail' property% 'is not liked and the image' property% 'is not liked
But in T you can not add either image
or thumbnail
to property
if it is only missing in one field.
Another solution may be:
UPDATE omc_product SET image = if (image 'property%', CONCAT ('property /', image), image) Not thumbnail = if (thumbnail '
but note that it updates every line in your DB, even if it does not need to be updated.
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