
Showing posts from March, 2014

flex - Preferred Socket Policy File Server Implementation? -

I am trying to connect my flash application to my server from the socket, so I have to set up a socket policy. File Server Required It seems that there are different rolls- their own implementation is floating around out there, but is there any standard or best practice to use? Nothing has been given to some Google searches, so I am eager to hear the pros and cons of other people's efforts. On the one hand, it seems weird that Adobe applies this restriction but it does not, it is easily available. I have developed it, so I am biased, but you The software was written as an Apache module And uses the configuration files that are familiar with anyone who uses Apache. The software cross-platform Apache Portable Runtime Library allows the code to be relatively simple and easy to audit. The software is well documented and contains logging capabilities and configuration files for working. These are some of the best practices I used to design and packaging ...

visual studio 2008 - Unable to run "HelloWorld" Azure sample in Development Fabric -

I am trying to run the sample "HelloWorld" Azure application in the development cloth on my Windows 7 development machine. It gets compiled successfully, I can start it as a "Windows Blue Simulation Environment" in the status bar and when I bring DF UI, I can see that there is a HelloWorld_WebRole running, but in my browser The following error message is found: Error summary Server error in the application "ROLE SITE" Internet Information Services 7.5 Strong> HTTP Error 404.17 - Did not Get - A Contrasted content appears to be scripts and will not be served by static file handlers Detailed error notification Module: StaticFile Module Notification: ExecuteRequestHandler Handler: StaticFile Error: Code 0x80070032 Requested URL: Physical Path: C: \ Projects \ EZur-samples-CS \ HelloWald \ HelloWald \ bin \ debug \ HelloWalded CSX \ Rolls \ HelloWald_Vobrol \ AHOT \ Default Aspx l Dogon method: Anonymous || Logon user: Anonymous ...

scripting - Generate script for all objects for SQL Server Database -

I used the SMO object to generate the SQL script for database objecrs for SQL Server. When a local network has a database, it works well. But if the database is in a remote server then it takes a lot of time to generate the best and fastest way to generate scripts for SQL Server objects when the database is in a remote server. I will use SQL Server Management Studio Right click from the database item Select more actions, generate scripts There are several options for you. (You can also get this script data in the table.)

charts - Styling the charting controls -

using, of these, How can I create charts that look like this: Instead of: Edit: I made this question by asking. Styling elements that improve the default graph in both Poles and MS Chart: Round corners on the chart container Background color and gradient on the chart container Transparency on Column Colors Alignment of columns in the X-axis (oddly, MS based default for X-axis alignment) Area 3D wall width I know it's a bit late Land, but I'm working on the project, was playing with her I chart. color = "# 960080ff" The first group of two digits in the color is for the alpha channel, I got it set to 96, which is semi transparent is. Enjoy

sql server - How to eliminate superfluous namespace declarations in SQL generated XML? -

I am tuning a web application that supports SOAP services through SQL stored procedure calls. Generally stored procs generate XML which becomes part of the SOAP response, and there are many unnecessary xmlns name placement announcements in that XML. In case of disease, it can be 30% or more characters encoded in byte encoded XML, e.g.: & amp; Lt; GetFooResponse xmlns = "http: //service.url/" & gt; & Lt; GetFooResult & gt; & Lt; FooItems xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Item xmlns = "" data = "afu" /> & Lt; Item xmlns = "" data = "afu" /> & Lt; Item xmlns = "" data = "afu" /> & Lt; Item xmlns = "

iphone - how to add text and images together -

IM Developing a notebook based application also contains notes and images. Unable to find the best way to add image and add text, im is also editable, so I'm confused whether to take scroll-view or text view or not. Have I taken scroll-app, there is no editable option. If I take a text view, then we can not change the frames of the image. Please give me quick reply thanks in advance .... Solve: Scrolled Vivene is taken, managing that text size & amp; Inserting pictures with the specified size. Textview, image, tetxview, looks like image and ... Thank you for all your support in solving this issue.

java - How to refactor a static inner class to a top level class in Eclipse? -

I'm having trouble finding the correct reactor options for the following scenario: I have a code like this (Externally .java): public class external {// ... class content public static class inner {// ... internal class stuff}} I'm looking for a way to select Inner, and it has changed it to a top-level class, it has its own .java source file. I know that copying / paste etc. is easy to do manually, but in many places the internal class is referenced and I would prefer the refactor option to reference the reference everywhere. I chose the option the refractor - & gt; Remove the class ... but it does some strange things with a field called data which I did not understand. Eclipse Edition 3.5.1 Galileo EDIT: I can not believe I'm ignoring the option to do this. Thank you for all your correct answers; +1 all of you. I still need to accept an answer, so if there is any more useful information, eg. Meet the script, yet there is one purpose to leave an ...

winapi - Using CryptoAPI to generate ascii cipher text -

What I am trying to do specifically generates a PassStub field for Remote Assistance Tickets. The problem is that my results look like binary data, but in some way Microsoft generates printable characters In [MS-RAE]:. Remote Assistance Initiation Protocol Specification & lt; 16> Section 6: Microsoft says that "PassStub" field "MD5 hashing and CALG_RC4, RC4 stream PROV_RSA_FULL with the encryption algorithm is encrypted using predefined Cryptographic Provider." A data flow is not pictured: Pictures distributed shows the password a "RA SessionID" pieces which are being encrypted with looks like this: u0RIQibSMntm0wAHQZ2mhatI63sjMjX15kh / vnciytOix8z6w + 36B01OiJoB5uYe When I cryptEncrypt the phone result is about binary data about the length of the SessionID. "Po ^ 1BiNrHBvHGP" Here's the code I'm trying to use it to :: Microsoft is somehow something that looks like this HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv; HCRYPTKEY hKey; HCRIIP...

coding style - Quick Advice: How should this be written in Ruby? -

I am a Java / C ++ programmer and Ruby is my first scripting language. I sometimes find that I Not as productive as I can in some areas, such as this for example: Purpose: To parse only a few rows from the file. The method I am going with is that there is a very large line with size greater than 15, the rest are definitely small. I want to ignore all the big (and inclusive) lines. def does_something (str) puts str end str = 'me too ignore me! The big line is its line! Target1 target2 target3 'flag1 = zero str.each_line do | Line | Do_something (line) if flag1 flag1 = 1 if line.size & gt; 15 end I wrote this, but I think it can be written much better, i.e., should be a better way than setting a flag. Recommendations of how Ruby's beautiful lines also welcome. Note / Explanation: I need to print all the lines after the first appearance of the big line. str.lines.drop_while {| L L.length & lt; 15} .drop (1) .each {| L I like it, because if you rea...

Oracle UPDATE Question -

Can the update described below be completed in an UPDATE statement? By entering on the code> = operators.op_name the operator.name_id value with the Users.name_id value. Both and operators.op_name have a unique . I know that the situation described below is not the "best practice" to follow, but this is a very simple example of what I am trying to do: i.e. value from any other included table Along with updating a field. Table: User user_id name - -------------- 34 Billy 43 Jimi 50 Table: Operators (before update) op_id op_id user_id ------------- ------- ----- 12 Billy 35 35 Jimmy 46 33 99 table: operators (after update) op_id op_name name_id ------------------ updated operators SET user_id = (Select U.USUR_ID user U ou ou.op_name = U.N.M.) Where in OOP_Name (from selection name user) in Oracle 10 G , more efficient: Users in the operator are using U (Uyaman) = when updated, user_id = U.UG_ID

Using XML Enumerations with Delphi XML Data Binding Wizard -

I have an XML schema that uses enumeration, but when I look at the XML XML of XML XML in Delphi , Then the calculated restriction is dropped. Is there any way to generate Delphi anion and make it into an object? XSD Snippet: & lt; Xs: simpleType name = "enumType" final = "ban" & gt; & Lt; Xs: ban base = "xs: nmtoken" & gt; & Lt; Xs: calculation value = "each" /> & Lt; Xs: calculation value = "units" /> & Lt; Xs: calculation value = "region" /> & Lt; Xs: calculation value = "payroll" /> & Lt; Xs: calculation value = "sales" /> & Lt; Xs: calculation value = "total cost" /> & Lt; Xs: calculation value = "other" /> & Lt; / XS: Ban & gt; & Lt; / XS: simpleType & gt; I hope to see Delphi, which is an area that accepts ANIM, which is generated by XML, after which it is converted into a DRofring string, ...

count - Batch file: store lines of command's output without writing to a file? -

Windows XP My batch file executes a command that has several lines of output to write on disk How can I count (and store in a variable) without lines of output? Here is the sample script which will be counted in the output of the dir command . @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpension set for LC = 0 / F "usebackq delims = _" %% i in (`dir`) (copy% i set / an LC =! LC! + 1) Reverse% lc% endlocal You can replace Dir with your command and you can use quotation marks and specify the parameters can do. You have to avoid some other characters - though ^ , | & gt; and & amp; ; . If you do not want to count the lines, but you need to parse each line, then you may have to replace the token delimiter with _ (as I used For example) to do something else that might not be in line split in many tokens.

iphone - Grouping two Core Animations with CAAnimationGroup causes one CABasicAnimation to not run -

I have two animations that I am trying to perform on IIS 3.1.2 on the UILBlip on iPhone. UILabel Rocks before and after: CAKeyframeAnimation * rock; Rock = [CAKeyframeAnimation with animation: @ "transform.rotation.z"]; [Rock Set Bighttime: 0.0f]; [Rock set duration: 5.0]; [Rock set rapattack: 10000]; NSMutableArray * Value = [NSMutableArray array]; Moving while * mathematics = [[moving image] init]; // Center's starting position [add values: [math degree number: 0]]; // Right right [add value to object: [math degree number: -10]]; // Turn left [values ​​addObject: [Math Degree Number: 10]]; // re-center [add value object: [math degree number: 0]]; // Set the value for the animation [rock set value: value]; [Math release]; The second zooms to the UILB so that it grows: NSVVW = value = zero; CABasicAnimation * Animation = Zero; CATransform3D conversion; Animation = [with CABasic Animation Animation: @ "Transform"]; Transform = cateriform 3D macescale...

object - Ruby: what method is called? -

मान लें, मेरे पास एक वस्तु x का MyClass है। क्या विधि कहा जाता है, जब मैं puts x करता हूं? मुझे इसे अपने खुद के साथ ओवरराइड करना होगा मैंने सोचा था कि यह .intpect था, लेकिन किसी भी तरह ओवरराइड निरीक्षण को नहीं बुलाया जा रहा है। उदाहरण के लिए, मेरे पास है एक वर्ग योग : वर्ग की राशि initiazlie a, b @x = a + b end end और मैं उपयोग करना चाहता हूँ इस तरह से परिणाम: s = (3,4) डालता है s # = & gt; 7 मैं यह कैसे करूँ? 10 + s # = & gt; 17 या यह भी ...? यह कॉल करता है: to_s वर्ग के समीकरण को "फोबोर" अंत के अंत में जोड़ता है # = & gt; 'एफओओबार' या यदि आप चाहें, तो आप बस निरीक्षण से to_s कॉल कर सकते हैं, ताकि आपके पास एक सुसंगत स्ट्रिंग का प्रतिनिधित्व हो आपका ऑब्जेक्ट। वर्ग की समाई अंकों की समाप्ति की जांच - Grade D on Compress components with gzip -

I have used the YSlow Firefox add-on and the result comes back: - --- ----------------------------------------------- --- ----------------------------------- Compress components with gzip on Grade D Website / CSS / Global CSS? ... * http: // localhost: 63808 / website / js / global.js? ... ------------- ----------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --- - Then I started searching and found this piece of code: global asax Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute (ByVal As the object, ByVal e EventArgs as) or if not in as dim response HttpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response dim AcceptEncoding string = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers ( "accept -anankoding"), accept Stringkaisaielolakti (encoding) Awrael Therefore AcceptEncoding.Contains ("gzip") OrElse Ac ceptEncoding.Contains ( "deflation") above the AcceptEncoding.Contains (remove the "air") then Response.Filter = new System.IO.Compression.Deflate...

iphone - Storing HTML in a Core Data app -

As a follow-up action, I have a core data-based iPhone app that preloads its underlying SQLite database file A small feature is written in coco, which I also wrote. Actually, I'm taking data from text files and making my data off-line, so this app can be as fast as possible (i.e. no data parsing on my end). This will be included in adding a detailed view of the data, and since the best way to render the screen of some formatted text is to use HTML and a UIWebView , I can generate HTML during my data converter extension, the conversion process. My question is, what are the professional and the opposition to handle the arbitrary size of HTML using core data? As I mentioned, I am using SQLite as my constant store. I am thinking about performance, especially if it is appropriate to store 10-50k worth of text in this database column. My options are to create different HTML files, store them in the form of resources and find them dynamically, however, it takes more time to ...

Rails data modeling - alternatves to has_many :through, given polymorphism? -

I am working on an application that allows users to add images with specific events. The event is owned by a user, the easy solution will definitely be: class image & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base related_ to: event expiration class event & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_many: images related_to: user expiration class user & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_many: events has_many: images ,: through =>: events end Except! There is a problem I also want my users to be able to directly image themselves without the mediator event. If I use the "conventional" multi-union association here, then obviously user.images will not work properly. Should I just catch my nose, if anybody needs it : as =>: event_images , and define user.all_images ? Do I take all the images directly owned by the consumers and alternatively I am connected to the event in any way? (Definitely, a verification to ensure continuity ... but it looks code-smelly.) Is there a th...

c++ - Possible reasons for tellg() failing? -

ifstream :: tellg () -13 for a fixed file is returning. Actually, I've written a feature that analyzes some source code; I open all the files alphabetically, I start with "Apple CPP" and it works perfectly .. But when "conversion is .ptp", always on the same file, reading a line After successfully gives tellg (-13). / P> The code in question is: for (int i = 0; i ATOF is: bool etf (if {mfile.tellg () = GetSize ()) return true; return false; } After successfully reading the first row of Conversion.cpp, it is always DEBUG - tellg (): -13 . This is the complete TextIFile class (written by me, may be the error): class textfile {public: textfile (string) And path): mPath (path), mSize (0) { (path.c_str (), std :: ios :: in); If (! MFile.is_open ()) FATAL (format ("% s can not open:% s")% path.c_str ()% strerror (errno)); } Get the string GetPath () const {return mPath; } Size_t GetSize () {if mSize returns (mSize)...

java - How to generate JSON from a Jersey resource? -

I am using jersey and want to output the following JSON with the listed fields only: [{"name": "holidays", "value": ""}, {"Name": "personal", "value": ""}] if I want to I can have it on {JSON: "} with Feeds": ...}, but it would be best if it was optional. I want to draw this information from a list of calendar information that is stored in the member POO, which is obtained by Hibernate. There are simplified POJOs: public class members {Private string username; Private string password; Private set & lt; CalendarFeed & gt; Calendar Feeds = New Hashet & lt; Calendar feed & gt; (); } Public class CalendarFeed {public enum FeedType {GCAL, EVENT}; Owner of private member; The name of the private string; Private string value; Private f...

makefile - Parallel building with gnumake and prerequisites -

My first question (yay!) Is about the genetic and parallel builds. Here is a quick example file: . PHONY: tool_1 tool_2 tool_3 tool_4 all tools all: | Tool Tools: | Tool_2 Device_3 Tool_4 Tool_1: #Options for Device 1 Device: | Order for Tool_1 # Tools2 tool: | Instructions for Tool_1 # Tool3 Tool: | Command4 for Tool_1 # Tools If I do make-j on this guy, then to ensure that I have the right here that code_1 is executed once, and tool_ [234] before create create-j cause tool_1 to be pre-generated, Then the tool_ [234] is to be created in parallel, but without executing the command for it, tool_ 1 Three times I hope that it has no meaning. Thanks for any suggestions or ideas! Make-Jay look like you do in your question This dependency does not do many times. What is that type of pipe ( | ) in your dependency list?

forms - Zend Framework and LoginController with LoginForm -

I have some stuff I'm trying to do with ZF; I have a LoginController.php in the application / controller / with the class LoginController Extends Zend_Controller_Action . Within this, I have the following: public function getForm () {Return new login form (array ('action' => gtk; '/ login / process', 'method' = & gt; ; ' Post', )); } I have LoginForm.php inside application / form / which has the following: Category LoginForm Zend_Form Extended {+ - 38 Lines: Public Function Init () -------------------------------- - -----------} Now, when I go to, I get the following: Fatal error: The class 'log inform' is not found on /var/application/controllers/LoginController.php on line 7 My default is application.ini . . What am I doing wrong? Check your bootstrap.php file. If you are using standard Autoloader there, then you need to prefix your form sections with form_ :...

iphone - UITextFieldDelegate != IBAction backgroundTap -

The scope of this question is the iPhone 3.1 SDK (the app is still running in the simulator) My A cell is a UITextField cell view in a cell that has close, the table view is grouped, and there is a section with only one field, the IB is not using so much background, the tap is out of the question (as far as I At least I can tell). When I click on a text field, it is still a hassle to hide the keyboard show. Ive pulled the UITFink Delay in the mix to hide the keyboard but the text field shouting method does not fire if the background is tapped (when I mean background , Tapping out of grouped group view section) First of all, should it? textFieldShouldReturn fire with no problem and I can resign at this point but the focus that shifts away from control should I not be able to resign? Any help is greatly appreciated - Field will stop editing when: Hit Exit the scene On the screen there is another button that removes focus From any of these, you can call - to dis...

When to use a Class vs. Function in PHP -

Lightbulb is still running for it ... I really like an easy task Using a class in php to understand the interpretation of the benefit A simple example of this idea is that I am doing now and thinking that a class is more efficient: / P> Say I have a small calendar widget that I have created in PHP. I'm thinking of calling the function miniCal ('arrayVars1', 'var2') . But I can do this twice on that page. Use lesser resources here, using a square, create new versions of it? What should I bark here, because I think the tree is a brick wall ... Categories are used to represent data in the form of objects, if you are representing something like user data, or auction bid, then by creating user objects or auction objects that Put together the data, pass it around in your code and read it To not do it easily understandable. In these sections, the attributes (data fields like numbers, strings, or other objects), along with the methods (the functions that...

regex - Filter/parse/modify emails and hrefs from html content in PHP4 -

I am not validating the email (in the html string) to find 3 different "email" content (and then Change): A plain email: such as A mail-to href: e.g. & lt; A href = "mailto:" & gt;< / A & gt; An alias href: such as & lt; A href = "mailto:" & gt; User's email & lt; / A & gt; / P> & lt; Span class = "spamspan" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "u" & gt; Users & lt; / Span & gt; @ & Lt; Span class = "d" & gt; & lt; / Span & gt; (& Lt; span class = "t" & gt; Spam hotter & lt; / span & gt;) & lt; / Span & gt; So you can see that I also want to get these types of input, parse the email, user, domain and (optionally) in a display value. I am struggling with Reggaez to find these emails ... they should be directly in PHP to parse th...

c# - Data Annotation/Validation and dynamic values -

If some of my models have dynamic verification conditions (i.e., the string length can be minimally or 8, depending on the database value Based on or some other dynamic value) Is it impossible to use data annotation for verification? What I think, the value of any parameter (eg string lagang min / max value) should be really stable. Are there alternatives for applications with dynamic verification values? Your very own stuck with the writing of your own custom verification:

c - How to connect GtkTextView to GtkMenuItem -

I am using Glade, GtkBuilder, and C in GTK as a trivial text editor (as an exercise). Also edit a GTKtextview along with cut, copy and paste for the text. GtkTextView binds automatically cut / copy / paste sequences (and also provides menu items if you click OK). I want to add cut, copy, and paste menu items to my text view in my menu bar so that they can do the desired work. Note that this is a two-way connection (1) When a copy of Cut, Copy or Paste GTK menu is active, it tells GtkTextView to do something. (2) When a selection is created or cleared in GtkTextView, cut and copy are enabled or disabled respectively (see Gedit as an example). Apart from this, (3) Paste is enabled or not, depending on the status of the clipboard. How do I add my Cut, Copy, and Paste Menu items to text view? Is there any way to do this in the glade, or do my C program want some extra code for it? Is there a systematic way to do this or do I need to apply all three behaviors manually described in the p...

Help: Adding rating to existing posts model in Rails -

There is a simple post model with my title: string and rating: integer and I want to add the ability to rate the post . So far I have # post controller def increase @ post = post.find (params [: id]) @ post.increment! : Rating Flash [: Notice] = "Thank you for your rating." Redirect_to @post end #Post Show & lt;% = link_to "Rating", increase_post_path%> & gt; # Path map.resources: post, member = & gt; {: Rise = & gt; : Put} When I click on Rating, I get an unknown action when I add @ post.increment, then I am able to increase the rating! : To update the rating, but when I create my own method map, if a standard route is saying then map. Source: Post You should change this with: map.resources: posts, member = & gt; {: Rise = & gt; : Put} and it will create the "incre_post_path" path for your app with the "put" method.

assembly - Dummy operations handling of Intel processor -

Of course, I have a little silly question, actually, I'm thinking that some special methods provided by Intel processors Dummy series, i.e., are to execute the NOP instructions efficiently? For example, I can imagine that any pre-fetching system that recognizes NOPs disables them and tries to get some useful instructions. Or is it usually sent to the execution unit according to the general instructions, which means that I can process approximately 5 naps of each cycle (approximately 5 execution units) thanks, Reinhard Discarding them would be a very bad idea: they are often used for busy-waiting if you are NOP s, you can see your wait-loop very much Create and initiate potential communication overhead. If you think that NOP s is disabled, you can try HLT which saves some energy or you have a CPU in sleep condition Could also send. However, it only makes sense if you want to "do nothing" for a sufficient time and they usually need a supervisor privilege....

python - What is the method of doing nl2br in Genshi? -

I'm using the genes + piles. Please teach me how to \ nmake in the lingerie & lt; Br / & gt; Use tags? I hope I do not exist in the php line or solution to change " Nl2br " to the same result? I am providing a template for some text. (genshi template) & lt; P & gt; $ {C. Message} & lt; / P & gt; Im tried the case 1: (Pyro code) c.message = "" foo bar "" NG Display Results is "Foo Bar" Case 2: (Pyro Code) c.message = "" "foo & lt; Br / & gt; Bar "" " ng display results" foo & lt; Br / & gt; PostScript I want to avoid using pre-tags. Thanks. While reading this is not easy because it's not good, I'm sorry by the English. / P> Try this: & lt; py: for each = "Line"> Message.split ('\ n') in line "> $ {line}

Zend Framework with Kohana PHP 3 -

I have put the Zend Library folder in my app's class folder and changed all the files and folders to lowercase ( Ant Renamer). When I call Zend_Fid, instead of loading / classes / zend / feed. PHP kohna load Zend share \ ZendFramework \ library \ Zend \ from my server (Zend Server), so I can not get a class Zend_Uri_Http error redeclare ZF Version; 1.10 Kohana Version: Most Recent Files Available Through GitHub Edit: Kohana Autoloader is expected to name the lowercase file, you can register both Zend and Kohana autoloaders and it should work fine. In Bootstrap you have: / ** * Enable Kohana Auto-Load * * @see * @see * / spl_autoload_register (array ('Kohana', 'auto_load')); The Zend autoloader should go first or later (I do not know that it makes a difference) found a post which it needs to do:

Java Swing JTable cell in "edit" mode uses different set of settings? -

I have set some parameters for my JTable, but it seems that they are only called "View" mode. When editing cell contents, nothing works. In the screenshot below you can see how the font size returned by default. (Bigger than what I set and what I want to see). In addition, I have default locale set in Germany so that my decimal number 12,24 (rather than US 12.24) should be comma - whatever I am trying to edit the cell I am It comes back to the US dot style, and after I hit the hit it is again displayed with comma, like if I enter 12,24 cells, it is not accepted twice as illegal But when I enter 12.24, after killing my entrance, it is displayed as 12,24 - the proper German style :) So in short, it seems that cell-in- Edit-mode use of a different set setting C does ... I can / her how he / she can change, preferably, it can use the same non-editing mode? As shown, you can set the locale on that component. You can define your own cell editor for better control, ...

Is there an equivalent of Jquery's animate() and find() in ExtJS? -

I'm thinking of using ExtJS in one of my latest projects. However, I am struggling to regenerate animate () and search () in extjs, I am still an early user in EXTESSES, so I can remember some things here There is a snippet that I would like to reproduce in ExtJs $ (element) .animate ({width: 50}). Find ("img"). Animate ({width: 150}) .end () .find ("h1") .animate ({fontSize: 20}); Cheers, Mikey A look and extension element ()

objective c - Updating NSTableView when enitiy is added to core data -

I have a coke app that I manually added core data. I set up the table in the interface builder for the list of organizations from data (with NSARCC controller), and it is working fine. The problem occurs when I insert a new unit (via the code) until the table does not update until I restart the app. As a result, the table is allowed to update as an update. Short answer: Send to your array controller -fetch: Message Long answer: Only the only example is added through the array controller, when its contents are automatically displayed in the array, when it receives the request received directly (I.e., when its content array is not anything but rather you designate an entity's name and a MOC, possibly a determination, and nothing else).

GCC #pragma to stop compilation -

क्या कोई जीसीसी प्रोग्राम दिग्दर्शन है जो संकलन प्रक्रिया को रोक, रोक या रोक देगा? I जीसीसी 4.1 का इस्तेमाल कर रहा हूं, लेकिन प्रोगामा को जीसीसी 3.x संस्करणों पर भी उपलब्ध होना चाहिये। आप संभवतः # आतंक : edd @ ron: / tmp $ g ++ -Wall -DogoOn -o stopthis stopthis.cpp edd @ ron: / tmp $ ./stopthis चाहते हैं नमस्कार, विश्व एड डी @ रॉन: / टीएमपी $ जी + + -ब्लॉल-ओ स्टॉपथिस स्टॉपथिस.cpp stopthis.cpp: 7: 6: त्रुटि: #रर मेरे पास पर्याप्त edd @ ron था: / tmp $ cat stopthis.cpp #include & lt; iostream & gt ; Int मुख्य (शून्य) {std :: cout & lt; & lt; "हैलो, विश्व \ n"; #ifndef GoOn #error मेरे पास पर्याप्त #endif return 0 था; } Edd @ ron: / tmp $

arrays - Explanation of [] in javascript? -

I stumbled upon this clean shortcut to change a DOM nodelist in a regular array, but I have to accept, I do not fully understand how it works: [] (document.querySelectorAll ('a'), 0) then it starts with an empty array [] , then slice is used to change the result of call for a new array? Little does I understand that how does call change from document.querySelectorAll ('a') to a regular array? What's happening here that you call slice () As it was the function of nodilist was the function of call () . In this case, what is the slice () , an empty array is created, then the object that is running on (basically an array, now a nodilist ) Repeat from and keep adding elements to the empty array of that object, which is finally returned, it is one. Edit: Then it starts with an empty array [], then the experiment to change the result of the slice Is a new array Yes? This is not correct []. The function object returns a...

jQuery was auto loaded in my Zend Framework application -

I have the Zend Framework application. It works normal and loads Jquery from my local folder. But after the try (but the junky call was removed in the note) and some JS calls were modified (load some JS files from the layout instead of the view), it works inappropriately: automatically by Google CDN Load luxury: & lt; Script src = "" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; I try to find the job of calling Jquery to my code above the address given above, but I do not know (and I remember that I do not keep anything like this Will you call me Jquery from Google Cdn, Zend Framework will automatically call Jquery? Oh, I found this problem: I used: $ echo-> jQuery (); As I have directed directions somewhere In Have seen, I changed with: copy $ -> (- -) - & gt; catalocol path ($ this-> baseUrl) ./Js/jquery/js/jquery -1.3.2.min .js'); And... mvc - Set HttpContext.User for the session -

I have applied custom authentication in ASP.NET MVC. If a legitimate user tries to log in, then I use AccountController I set the HttpContext.User = user in the logon method. But this only remains for that request How can I set it for a session? I used an option, set HttpContext.Session ["CurrentUser"] = User . If I want to see that the session is authorized, then I have to see that HttpContext.User! = Null However, I do not want to expose authentication logic everywhere in the application. If I need to change it, then it will be a mess. Please help me solve it. A solution can start property with the value of HttpContext.User to HttpContext.Session ["CurrentUser"] , but I do not know how to do this. Write the following method in the Application class of ASX Zero application_BeginRequest (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {HttpContext.Current.User = HttpContext.Session ["CurrentUser"]; } Or you have inherited your controllers who can ...

Spring Security 3.0 on Google App Engine? -

The blog explains that Spring Security works on Google App Engine, but depending on the date of their post, I think that They have the Spring Protection version 2 Did anyone try Spring Protection 3 on Google App Engine? Well, I just tried it and Spring Security 3.0 Google Ape Engine

c# - How to send keypresses to a DirectX application? -

I have to write the program in any programming language (preferably Delphi 7 / Delphi 10 / C #) which is 1 Every 10 seconds for the process given in Windows XP or Windows 7. Windows messages are being sent, which I've tried worked for all other applications, this has not worked specifically for one and I doubt this because it is using DirectX. > DX *. DLL can be done without overwriting the files? EDIT: Tom EDIT: I have tried to use SendInput (with code from Delphi 7 on Windows XP) and it does not work If the application WM_CHAR / etc window message (XInput / DirectInput) is your best bet, either In order to override DLL, the app is to make the injection as it is straightforward to reach the keyboard / mouse / gamepad. They use system resources. (There is a very bad idea to use DirectInput / XInput for the keyboard: |)

how to convert text to date in sql server 2008? -

I have a table in which text field [nvarchar (10)] how to convert this field To date? When I try to change the field in design mode - I get this: Unable to modify table. Is there a question that can be run for me? Thank you in advance You can follow these steps: Create a new date time column, faucet update that Drop your original column Apply To not accept tap, rename and adjust your column Try this sample: create table # sample (field ad text Varchar (10) not tap); # Include in sample values ​​('2009-01-24'); Add optional table # sample field AsDate date time tap Update # sample SET FieldAsDate = CONVERT (DATETIME, FieldAsText) SELECT * FROM #Sample ALTER TABLE #Sample drop columns Fildaestekst Aelvr table # Sample option columns field AsDate datetime NULL Go Select # sample *

permission denied (publickey) Error using git on windows 7 -

जब मैं इस कमांड के साथ github को पुश करना चाहता हूं git push master master मुझे यह मिला अनुमति अस्वीकृत (प्रकाशक)। घातक: रिमोट एंड ने अनपेक्षित रूप से लटका दिया तो, क्या हुआ? यूरेका! जाहिर है, आप मुख्य एसएसएच क्लाइंट के रूप में उपयोग कर सकते हैं और बस अपनी चाबियाँ लोड कर सकते हैं (यदि आप मेरी तरह हैं, तो आप पहले से ही करते हैं): ऐसा करने के लिए GIT_SSH env चर को plink.exe पथ की तरह सेट करें: सेट GIT_SSH = C: \ Program Files \ PuTTY \ Plink.exe या, आप टर्टोइज गिट से पीन का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: सेट GIT_SSH = c: \ Program Files \ TortoiseGit \ bin \ TortoisePLink.exe क्रेडिट : से लिया गया मूल समाधान

Using SSIS Web Service Task with WCF -

I am using SQL Server 2008 SSIS to import data for the creation of the WCF service. P> In the import work, I am trying to use the Web service work to report the WCF service. I first encountered a problem with WCF WSDL, the web service work coming to the WCF service Could not get your code generated from metadata. So I got a blog post about talking about that. Now that I have successfully loaded the WCF service in Web service and received functions related to WSDL, then I have to face another problem. I get an error from the SSIS package at runtime, in which the "method 'proxy namespace. MyService.GetData' did not get '. There is a complete error: Error: 0xC002F304 Web service false, Web service work: An error occurred with the following error message: "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask WebserviceTaskException: The Web method could not be executed. Error: The method 'ProxyNamespace.MyService.GetData' was not found. Microsoft.SqlServ...

java - Design question: Dynamically changing GUI -> sending implementation classes as soap attachments -

Here is a scenario: I have a Java Front End (RCP / SWT) app, which currently has no authentication support . I, however, have to add security to this application so that it is deployed in various enterprise environments. I have some approaches for which I thought I would share here with you and take your input. Please note that there is no strict requirement yet, so .. I would like to consider the typical and non-specific enterprise network security model. Approach 1 Create a 'security' webservice that will start the thick customer at startup. The customer asks for security for existing authentication mode and receives the implementation class of authentication as a soap attachment. In the received class, there will be no logic for the replacement, rather it describes the UI and describes the events present on the UI. (Customer can use a GUI Toolkit like Thinlet?) After class is loaded, a related to the current set authentication method is displayed on the end user ...

html - jQuery how to replace src url -

I have a page that I'm scrapping, scrap page used relative path for my pictures And when I load my page, the url of my site is being put on the source ARTR. I can find a way to change my URL in order for images and other items with a remote site's URL, which refers to it to display properly on my page. I have a script used for scraps: & lt; Script src = "path_to_jquery.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ Document.ready (function () {$ ("#weather") .load ("" Table: nth-child (3) ", function () {$ (this) .find (" IMG "). Each (function () {$ (this) .attr (" src ") .replace ('', '}})}}; }}; I have added the last line, hoping to clean up the problem, but it is not working yet. The path needs to be maintained, when I change my URL with the target URL, then the rest of the SRROC ARR needs to be there For examp...

tsql - How can i store the result of a comparison into a variable -

I want to print a simple statement print (1 = 1), I hope the result will be TRUE or 1 but the SQL Tell me the server: '=' has the wrong syntax why is this? The same statement will be declare @ test bit set @test = (1 = 1) summary How can I "see" one comparison without using the IF statement? Update: The reason I am asking because I am trying to debug the following statement declare @ agingmount small amount set @ aggingemount = 500 select amount, dated (day, batch.shmidadet, meet ()) from myreporrt anging Where as dated (day, batch.shmidadet, detet ()) gt; @ AGING AMAND will return all the rows along with the age of 300, so I had to find out if dated (days, dates, meetings, dot claim)> 500 returns True or false, but no way could be found to show the results of this comparison. Although there is the concept of boolean in SQL Server, Expressions that do not support the declaration of , in boolean to if and WHERE sections, boolean variab...

iphone - What's the correct way to perform initialization code whether an object is loaded from a nib or created programmatically? -

"itemprop =" text "> I've noticed that if you want to add a nib you initWithCoder because you want to add the enforcement code, then load the ideas associated with the zodiac Does not get called the named initiator (which means), and if you do not load the view with a nibb, then the same code should be killed in the named starter. In order to handle both cases, you need the same enforcement code in both methods. This is the best solution that I have come up with so far but I have to wonder if there is something more conventional than doing so. This code is in a UITableViewCell subclass, but it can actually be any UIView: / * * It seems that there must be a standard method for this already. * / - (zero) didFinishInitializingOrUnacrhiving {/ content that makes the most sense to do in an inductor ***} - (id) initWithCoder: (NSCoder *) aDecoder {if (self = [ Super initWithCoder: aDecoder]) {[didfinishInitializingOrUnacrhiving]; } Healthy return; } - (id) in...

ios - Using SSL in an iPhone App - Export Compliance -

I am looking to create an iPhone app that will communicate with a REST web service. Because some user-sensitive data (name, address, age, etc.) will be transmitted, I'm looking to get links with SSL. However, on my last escapad to deposit the App Store, I saw that the question I ask is, "Does your app use encryption?" And depending on the answers to this and other follow-up questions, US export compliance may be required. My company is not based in the US, nor do we have US office. Has any other person presented an app using SSL for this purpose? If so, did you need to do anything to get permission to use Apple or US government? Updates up to September 20, 2016 No longer required, so it seems that many apps will no longer need to be registered with the US government. (Although you may still need to enter two-yearly Proposition Number 8 to 742 reports.) (Thanks to Ionio Diosos and @ User 3562927, to indicate this!) The French government registration ...

How do you efficiently connect to mysql in php without reconnecting on every query -

I want to rewrite my code every time when I learn something new about PHP (such as mysql connection Can not be passed around in a session as a handle). How do you apply mysql connections to your projects? A lot of people have proposed "connection pooling", but I've still lost my manual after reading the manual. Looks like: "Connection pooling is mysql_pconnect!" - Me: "And ...? How is this a difference in reality? Can you pass a mysql_pconnect in a session? It seems that why is the mysterious aura ??" Let me explain your situation. I have a function called "query1": function query1 ($ query) {$ db = new mysql (HOST, USER, PASS, DBNAME); $ Result = $ db- & gt; Query ($ query); $ Db- & gt; near (); Return result; } This is a difficult and inefficient way to interrogate DB ( especially since you need mysql handles for functions like mysql_real_escape_string) is. What is the right form to do this? Can somebody help me out...

c++ - C++0x move constructor gotcha -

edit: I asked this question again (problems with this question are correct After doing) The basic idea is that you will get some strange results while pointing to things that are worth running if you are not careful. The C ++ driver constructor and the operator transferring can actually be used as positive things and in situations where copy creators make no sense because they do not require duplicate resources. is. But in such cases they will bite you if you are not careful and it is particularly relevant as I have seen the proposals to allow the compiler to be the default implementation of the conductor. I will provide such links as someone can give me me. So, here are some code that has some flaws which are not completely clear. I have tested the code to make sure that it is compiled in g ++ with the -std = gnuc ++ 0x flag what are the flaws and how will you fix them? #if (__cplusplus & lt; = 199711L) & amp; Amp; ! Define (__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) #Te...

Javascript: how to insert value into text input fields from a drop down menu -

I am quite new to javascript, so I hope that someone here can help me with this small task. I currently have two input text fields, which I need to be populated with text after choosing an option from the drop down menu. For example ... I have a selected field that looks like this: & lt; Select ID = "select_2" onchange = "insertProduct (2);" & Gt; And in that selection I have options that look like this: & lt; Option id = "cdrom001" title = "my cdrom" & gt; Cdrom001 - my cdrom & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option id = "DVD-ABUG" title = "life of a bug" & gt; DVD-ABUG - A Bug's Life & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option id = "DVD-BELOVED" title = "dear" & gt; DVD-BELOVED - Furry & lt; / Option & gt; .... What do I do, when I select an option from that drop down list, then I want my text input field # 1 with option ID Populate (e.g., D...

Is the number of types in a C++ template variant limited? -

I am trying to understand how variants apply, and read: And I have the impression that I can not write a type which takes x type; But the template author raises some N, and I can only do less than one-one type in one type. Is that correct? Thank you! In C ++ 03, there are no variation templates; this means yes; You just have to go up some n, and have to stay with it. In C ++ 0x, there will be different templates, so that you can use a definition for all X. If you want to change the number, you can use it and it can work for you: #define MAXIMUM_TYPELIST_SIZE 20 // or something Empty {}; Template & lt; BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS (MAXIMUM_TYPELIST_SIZE, typename T, = empty) & gt; Structure typewrite; Template & lt; BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS (MAXIMUM_TYPELIST_SIZE, typename T) & gt; Structure typewrite {type DEFED T1 head; Typitic tip type & lt; BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS (BOOST_PP_DEC (MAXIMUM_TYPELIST_SIZE), t) & gt; Tail; Enum {length = tail :: len...

while uploading file to android market error -

When I upload my application to the Android market, it is showing error below The file is invalid: Error: Dump failed because no Android manifest.XML was found. When I open the .apk file, then the AndoridManifest.xml file is. What's the problem While uploading a file to the Android Market It is important to keep the following points in mind: Android: The version code is "Appropriate with Android: Version Code" Android: XML. The "Android: version name" attribute is appropriate from AndroidManifest.xml. The package name is very unique. Because all the Android Market apps are separated by package. Seeing all this ....

java - Spring SimpleFormController onSubmit request parameters -

I am using SimpleFormController in my application to handle form submisions. One thing that I am missing is the request object which has passed onSubmit (request, response ..) is different from the initial request object which is received by formBackingObject (..) Happens . Obviously because this is the new request from the web once again. I want to use the same parameters from the requested object in submit (..) formBackingObject (..) . It may be possible that I can collect them from the hidden areas by jossi, but I am trying to get some elegant perspectives. Is there any way to do this? Edit: I'm overriding formBackingObject (HTTPSArlet Request) ` and Methods in my class. > Formbacking object (..) will be called for intent view and I will have some variables from the request object if the user forms If I am called onsmember (..) , then I have another request that is different from the object which I received in formbackingObject (..) . W... - AddHandler only if no handlers for this event? -

I want to set an event handler only if it is not set: If GetHandlers (MyWindow.Closed, AddressOf MyWindow_Closed) .length = 0 then AddHandler MyWindow.Closed, MyWindow_Closed andIf You can not really query the present value of the event's representative, except the code that defines event is your intention here? Generally you should not be very worried (urgent) with other members? There are ways to hack find before the encapsulation, but they are not recommended (this is not just a good idea). If you are worried that you are dealing with that event before that handler (i.e. you do not want to subscribe again, you always have to either : C code can not be it, or B: cheat (C # example): // removed handler ** if subscribed, then mine Subscribe to Windows Clause - = MyvindOvclosed; Myvando.Close + = MyWindowload; Awkward In order to get the list ... brittle but possible.In simple cases you can use reflection to get the field, and stop the price. Uses sparse ...

oracle - The fastest way to check if some records in a database table? -

I have a big table to work with. I have to see that there are some records whose parent_id is equal to my passing value. Currently I do this by implementing "my_table using select count (*) where parent_id =: id"; If the result> 0, it means that they exist. Because this is a very large table, and I do not care what the actual number of records present, I just want to know if it exists, so I think count (*) Bit is disabled. How do I apply this requirement most quickly? I'm using Oracle 10. # Tips for Hibernation & amp; Tricks It suggests writing in such a way: Integer number = (integer) session .createQuery ("Select Count (*) to ...."). UniqueResult (); I do not know what is the magic of the unique rule? Why does it fast? To compare, select "1 from mytable where parent_id = passId and rowrum", which is more efficient? If you are not interested in the number of records, then there is an EXISTS query one: Select 'y...

html - CSS - Margins a bad thing? -

I've noticed that some browsers have trouble with margins, especially when an element is turned on, for example, it The website looks fine in Firefox, but the IE 7 screws are fully visible in margins, I write it on many Linux browsers and do some similar mistakes. The site is It looks exactly in FF3.0, as far as I can tell. So far it is not seen in FF2, or why does IE6 happen? Is it because I started the DIV with the specified margin? Are there some things that I should avoid or do differently? Edit: So it seems that the source of my tag screw I did not define those images in the CSS that was not defined in CSS and which floats on them, margins Got together. All this has spoiled and I have to do it again. In addition to this, some things happen when I use XHTML rigid instead :) I will try to fix it on my own :) The migration is not bad, but float from marginal There are many dishes to fix the elements, but I believe that in your case you can use the full position i...

c++ - Parallelizing loops containing function call -

Is this function equally suitable for call loops, or is it a more convenient circulation of loop which is the original Operation For example, does it keep the equation instructions as below? main () {.. #omp for paralel .. (i = 0; i & lt; 100; i ++) {a [i] = foo (and datatype,. ..); ...} ..} int foo (datatype * A, ...) {// complex operating is doing here // call other functions etc.}} Thanks, Will Richard and Fakler, these comments were helpful and I had suggested the book RCHHD that there would be a deeper look. But before the end of the day, I want to make the current C code (actually a big loop that resides on top of the program), if possible, be parallel with OpenMP. At this point, I need to help to make at least some parts of the loop parallel to some things, rather than to completely subdue the piral material, to simplify things, I How can I create a part for (i) n () (work1 () - (serial) work2 () - (serial) work3 () - (PARALLEL) work 4 () - (Serial)} // Doe...

java - Searching strategy in an infinte list -

I am listening to a third party web-service, when the service begins, I get a stream of goods That is what I am receiving. I have to find a specific object within the amount of time and some processing should be done if the object has been found or an error has been placed in any of the following situations: Web service stops And I object is not found My timer has expired Any other wrong status I am wondering what is the best way to search for the object that I am searching for an infinite list and the items in which they appear in the list are predicted Can not be done? If the order can not be estimated, then there is no better than simply obtaining each object No way

Is there any way to have some javascript (such as a Bookmarklet) autorun on page load? -

The bookmarklet must be processed by the user to execute the bookmarkmen code. Thanks Div > I do not think it is possible to turn the bookmarklet on pageload automatically. It can be very maliciously used I think a plugin is the best way to go here. If only for personal use, you should check out.

regex - How can I match certain nested parentheses in Perl? -

^ \ s * []] * \ s * $ और ^ \ s * ([*] * \ S * $ कोष्ठकों से मेल खाता है ( और ) जो बोल्ड हैं I और नहीं (condition1) कोष्ठक: जबकि (# मैचों में यहाँ (# मैट्स यहाँ (कंडीशन 1) & amp; amp; amp; एंड कंडिशन & amp; एंड कंडिशन 3) || (# मैचों को यहाँ (कंडीशन 4 ) || condition5 & amp; amp; (condition6)) # मैचों यहाँ) # मैचों यहाँ लेकिन अगर मुझे यह पसंद है तो यह मेल नहीं खाता है: जबकि ((#does यहां मेल नहीं खाते (condition1) & amp; amp; amp;;; condition2) & amp; amp; condition3;) ((condition4) || condition5 & amp; amp;; (condition6)) # कोड> या जबकि (((#) यहाँ मेल नहीं खाता (condition1) & amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp;;;;;; condition2; & amp; amp; Condition3)) || || ((#does यहां मैच नहीं है (condition4)) condition5 & amp; amp;; (condition6)))) # यहाँ मैच नहीं है मैं अकेले सभी कोष्ठकों से कैसे मेल कर सकता हूँ? मैं व्यक्तिगत रूप से अनुशंसा करता हूं कि आप यात्रा के बजाय खुले और समापन कोष्ठ को निकालने के लिए एक साधारण स्टैक का उप...