Zend Framework with Kohana PHP 3 -

I have put the Zend Library folder in my app's class folder and changed all the files and folders to lowercase ( Ant Renamer).

When I call Zend_Fid, instead of loading / classes / zend / feed. PHP kohna load Zend share \ ZendFramework \ library \ Zend \ from my server (Zend Server), so I can not get a class Zend_Uri_Http error redeclare

ZF Version; 1.10 Kohana Version: Most Recent Files Available Through GitHub


Kohana Autoloader is expected to name the lowercase file, you can register both Zend and Kohana autoloaders and it should work fine.

In Bootstrap you have:

  / ** * Enable Kohana Auto-Load * * @see http://docs.kohanaphp.com/features/autoloading * @see http://php.net/spl_autoload_register * / spl_autoload_register (array ('Kohana', 'auto_load'));  

The Zend autoloader should go first or later (I do not know that it makes a difference) found a post which it needs to do:


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