objective c - Observing NSUserDefaultsController not working when bound properties are set -
Here's the setup: I have a subclass of IKImageBrowserView zoomValue
property is bound to a key In VFBrowserZoomValue
shared NSUserDefaultsController
. I have the NSSlider
whose value
binding is bound to the same key.
This works perfectly to change the zoomValue
browser from the slider.
I am trying to implement -magnifyWithEvent:
in my code; Trackpads with pinch gesture to zoom the browser to my IKImageBrowserView
Here's my implementation:
- (zero) magnifyWithEvent: (NSEvent *) event {if ([increase incidence]> gt; {if ([self ZoomValue] & Lt; 1) {[Self set zoom value: [self zoom value] + [Event magnification]];}} And if ([event magnification] <0) {if ([self zoom value] + [Event increment ]> 0.1} {[set zoom value: [self zoom value] + [event magnification]];} and {{auto set zoom value: 0.1];}}}
The problem is that the zoomValue
of the browser changes correctly NSUserDefaults
the new value The update has not been updated.
Somewhere else in the app, I have -observeValueForKeyPath: ofObject: change: context:
which looks for the browser's zoomValue
If I log the value of the browser's zoom, the value of the slider and the key to the defaults in that method, I think the browser's zoom value has not been pushed into NSUserDefaults and the slider has not been updated.
I ' -MagnifyAvent:
To call the call to along with the call Triish is - {will, will} ChangeValueForKey
no effect
The KVO flow for binding is not orthogonal; A bond is not an property , it is reference for a property. It is a rhythm to remember how binding works:
- < Li> KVO is used to change the model from the controller & amp; See.
- KVC is used to control controller from view & amp; Model
Thus when a scene with binding handles events, then its properties need to refer to the context of its binds.
Your code may look like this here, with a utility method to carry heavy loads of publicity changes via binding:
- (zero) Magnavet Event: (NSECT *) event {if ([Event Magazine]> gt0) {if ([self zoom value]) 1 [{Self set zoom value: [self zoom valle] + [Event magnification]]; }} And if ([event magnification] <0} {if ([self zoom value] + [event magnification]> 0.1) [[self set zoom value: [self zoom value] + [event magnification]]; } And {{auto set zoom value: 0.1]; }} // update which is related to our zoom value. [Self Update Value: [NSNumber Number Blast: [Self Zoom Value]] To Force: @ "Zoom Vale"]; }
It is a very unfortunate that ImageKit requires the use of @ "zoomValue"
in the context of the zoom value binding of IKImageBrowserView, the most in the epiket Binding global string continuous such as NSContentBinding
And this is the general utility method for promoting change through binding here:
- (zero) Update Update: Binding for (id) value: ( NSString *) binding {NSDictionary * bindingInfo = [self information: binding: binding]; If (BindingInfo) {NSObject * Object = [Binding Object Forekey: NSOBZED Objects]; NSString * keyPath = [Byinginfo ObjectForekey: NSOBKKPaPhechek]; NSDictionary * Option = [Binding Object Forekey: NSOption KA]; Use options to apply // value transformer, placeholder etc. Values = value converted to value id; // Exercise for reader // Model or controller object has been replaced with new value [Object set value: changed for keypath: keypath]; }}
Actually left as an exercise for placeholders, value transformers, and readers.
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