sql - inner join on null value -
I'm not sure I made a mistake in the argument.
If I have a query and I do an internal insertion with a null value, will not I always get any result or will it be neglected to join and succeed? Example:
If I write and U. Bennetus will not find a line for me?
Choose from the user * Join u as bensetatus as u. Bb.id = b.id where id = 1
if there is a tap included You do not get a line because NULL can not be equal to something, even zero as well.
If you change it then join the left, then you will get a line.
With an internal joining:
select * Include the user as * u in the form of BENSTATUS in B. Status = BID1, '1', 1, 'Restricted'
With a left join:
Select as user * This Using test data:
Code> Create a tablet user (ID int, bankstats newcomer (100)) ; Enter the User (ID, Bankstats) values (1, '1'), (2, 'NULL'); Create table lencetates (id int, text nvarchar (100)); Include Banstatus (id, text) values (1, 'restricted');
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