How to add custom list item on end of jquery autocomplete results -

I am using jquery autocomplete, and I have set up these wars

  $ ("#some_id"). In autocomplete ("search.php? = Somewhere", {width: 270, selectFirst: false}); $ ('# Some_id') Set option ({max: 5});  

As you can see it gives 5 list items (results), and I want to add the sixth list item where some text should be displayed and how many results are there except this 5 .

How do I do this?

This probably is going to require an edit around this event .

  function filllist () {list.empty (); Var max = limitNumberOfItems (data.length); For (var i = 0; i  Html (options.highlight (formatted, word)). Adclass (i% 2 == 0? "Ac_even": "ac_odd"). Attachment (list) [0]; $ .data (li, "ac_data", data [i]); } // Enter your additional entry in it ... list history = list.find ("li"); If (options.selectFirst) {listItems.slice (0, 1) .addClass (classes .active); Active = 0; } // Apply bgiframe if available ($ .fn.bgiframe) list.bgiframe (); }  


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