iphone - Are there complete examples that make use of all the NSURLConnection delegate methods? -

NSURLConnection Representative Method I have a hard time finding any examples for impalnations, Apple's example of earthquake XML is incomplete. , They do not include

  - Connection: willSendRequest: redirectResponse: Maybe there is a good lesson I think about all the Apple content Passed through before   

Here's an implementation that I've been working lately: .h: NSMutableData * responseData; .m: - (zero) load {ns url myURL = [ns URL = URLWithString: @ ""]; NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [NSMutableURL request request with url: myURL cache policy: NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData timeout interval: 60]; [[NSUr Connection Elok] Init VectorQuest: Request Rep: Self]; } - (zero) connection: (NSURLConnection *) connection was reception: (NSURLResponse *) response {responseData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init]; } - (Zero) Connection: (NSURLConnection *) Connection was the reception: (NSData *) data {[responseData appendData: data]; } - (Zero) Connection: (NSURLConnection *) connection does the file width: (NSError *) error [[responseData release]; [Connection release]; [TextView SetString: @ "Unable To Get Data"]; } - (zero) connectionDifffish: Loading: (NSRU connection *) Connection {NSLOG (@ "Success! Data received by% d bytes", [response data length]); NSString * txt = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData: responseData encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding] autorelease]; }


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