nasm - Develop a Bootloader In Assembly -

I have already made a part of my OS in the assembly, but now I will replace it with my own bootloader About to use GRUB When I was developing my test OS in the assembly, I remember that I boot it like this:

  org 0x7c00 bits 16; OS kernel here times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0 dw 0xAA55  

This is already known to me. Now I want to use it and want to execute the "real" OS which will be the * .bin file written to the second sector of the floppy.

  • I need to add anything
  • I want to know something

    • What will start on the second sector of floppy, execution How can I do a bootloader in the assembly? For the assembly source which will be placed on the second sector of the floppy? int 0x13

      To load the number of expected numbers, Code> and go to the place that you have placed the new code. In the second step you do not have to do anything, but you want to make sure that you are valid ds to load the code.

      Example small OS archive:

        / * Boos areas es: bx * / pushw $ STAGE1_WORKSEG popw% es movw $ STAGE1_OFFSET,% bx read_stage1: / * Try reading in areas * / Movb $ 0x2,% cl / * sector * / movb $ 0x0,% ch / * cylinder * / movb $ 0x0,% dh / * head * / movb $ 0x0,% dl / * drive * / Movb $ 0x2,% ah / * reads the BIOS function / / * How many sectors to load * / movb $ STAGE1_SIZE,% al int $ 0x13 jnc read_stage1_done / * reset drive * / xorw% ax,% ax int $ 0x13 jmp read_stage1 read_stage1_done: / * perform a long leap in step 1 * / ljmp $ STAGE1_WORKSEG, stop the $ STAGE1_OFFSET call To:: * * Function: Prevent * Summary: Sends the processor to a permanent deferred image S * Notes: * Reboot manually * / hlt / * Stop the processor * / jmp halt  

      This gas is in the form so you want to reverse the operation order because it seems that you are using NASM with the bar instructions, the variable name should be self explanatory.

      If you are developing a hobby OS then it is a good place to get support from Others are doing the same thing It's a bit more specific than the stack overflow, and many OS stuff can be quite confusing.

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