workflow - WorkflowView force refresh when new child Activity is added -

My application is using workflow designer reheat so that end users can develop workflow. I have an activity available for which the user has to set some state. To accomplish this, I override the initial activity (activity) in the designer and I show a form which I use to set the values ​​in my activity. This is for the establishment of the state when the activity is initially added. I also have a double click event handler in the designer, if they have to edit that position later.

Now I have a situation in which, in the form I may need to add or remove based on values, I have been successful in adding activity to a child activity, but always show it in designer Can not find it.

When it is started, there is no child activity. I may need to add a child activity. At this point, it works fine and appears in the designer. The problem occurs when It is edited by double clicking it later. In my designer, I have been changed to detect on activity. I make the same call to add a child, though the designer is not updating. Oddly, when the situation is such that the child is removed, the visual update is correct.

Moving through the debugger reveals that I am adding a child activity to the activity collection. Usually when I have trouble updating the view, I can call IComponentChangeService.OnComponentChanged, but I can not find a way to do this.

Any suggestions?

It seems that I'm required to use RemoveActivities and InsertActivities in the Designer. It seems that the designer does not list the list of incidents in the list of activities. Does anyone know how it is going to work?

Did you change it to your on-active event handler?

  typediscriptor. Refresh (E. activity);  


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