.net - Linq Query not returning IEnumerable -
I have followed Linq queries that are in a web application that was changed from .NET 1.1 to 3.5: < /p>
dim objListOfFilteredDataRows = datarows from objDataSet.tables (0) in the form of datarow .rows _ where datarows ("SomeColumn") = some value
my The exact exact same query is that an application that was created using .NET 3.5 and returns an IEnumerable query. However, the query is returning in the converted application:
{name = "where numericiteror 1" fullname = "system.ink.link. Next + ou numericator11 [[[System.Data Edit Data: When I highlight the expression, say intellisense. DataRow, System .data, version =, culture = fair, public keynote = b77a5c561934e089]] "}
** Edit: That it does not know the type of ObjListOfFilteredDataRows and a type of its "object"
Why is converted 1.1 has not been applied, but the "original" in 3.5? **
What am I missing here? How do I convert "WhereEnumeratorIterator1" to an IEnumerable? Thanks!
No, you are actually an IEnumerable. It's just System.Linq.Enumerable namespace, a private class Inside can be implemented by a class. It is indispensable, there is no way to make an example of an interface. Wrong track
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