
Showing posts from August, 2014

Is it possible to detect the presence of a (xml) tag using XSLT? -

I think to test the presence of a tag and create a new node according to the result. This input is XML: & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Tag1 & gt; NS & lt; / Tag1 & gt; & Lt; Tag2 id = "8" & gt; NS & lt; / Tag2 & gt; & Lt; Test & gt; & Lt; Other_tag> Text & lt; / Other_tag> & Lt; Main & gt; Y & lt; / Home & gt; & Lt; / Test & gt; & Lt; Test & gt; & Lt; Other_tag> Text & lt; / Other_tag> & Lt; / Test & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; and the required output is XML: & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Tag1 & gt; NS & lt; / Tag1 & gt; & Lt; Tag2 id = "8" & gt; NS & lt; / Tag2 & gt; & Lt; Test & gt; & Lt; Other_tag> Text & lt; / Other_tag> & Lt; Main_Tag & gt; Current & lt; / Main_Tag & gt; & Lt; / Test & gt; & Lt; Test & gt; & Lt; Other_tag> Text & lt; / Other...

overlay - Put any View over a VideoView in Android -

Is it possible to have any view on any video view? (I.e. put a control button on the video, like in Vimeo) I'm trying to use it FrameLayout, but I have not found the way, and I'm still not sure what I'm trying to do is just Impossible. I do this kind of thing with framelay, make sure you do what you need to do Control layouts are under the video view in the editor. & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; FrameLayout xmlns: Android = "" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: orientation = "vertical" Android: background = "@color / MenuTextNormal "& gt; & Lt; VideoView Android: ID = "@ + ID / Video View" Android: layout_height = "fill_parent" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" /> & Lt; LinearLayout Android: layout_width = "...

ansi-c converting char to int representable by ascii -

Hello I'm interested in the characters that are worthy of representation by the ascii table, due to this I am doing the following: int t (char c) {return (int) c; } ... if (! (T (D)> 255)) {Dostf (); } So I'm only interested in representable characters in the ascii table, which should be less than 256 after conversion, am I right? Thanks! four is an integral type in C. You can do this directly: Four C; Specify / * C * if (C & gt; = 0 & amp; amp; c; & lt; = 127) {/ * in ASCII range} / T isascii () (this is not in C standard, although it is POSIX). In addition, you can check that is equivalent to CHAR_MAX 127. If so, you do not need to compare it with 127, because c will not exceed the definition. Similarly, if is CHAR_MIN 0, then you compare it with 0 do not require. Both the CHAR_MIN and CHAR_MAX are defined in the boundaries .h . I think you are thinking about an integer value by filling out a char , and so change it to a...

Collections in Protocol Buffers messages? -

Is there a message with the compilation of nested messages in protocol buffers? For example a message supervisor may have an employee's name and a collection of supervisor of the department. Yes. You use the duplicate field; Message Employee {...} Message Supervisor {Dual employee employee = 1; } You can then access the Employees field as a list.

documentation - Why do Python function docs include the comma after the bracket for optional args? -

The format of the signature of the function in Python docs is a bit confusing, compared to the open bracket in the python docs, what is the importance of putting it in the first place ? What is the significance of bracket nesting? How are these: RegexObject.match (string [, pos [, endpoe]]) One is expected: RegexObject.match (string, [pause], [endo]) RegexObject.match (string [, pos] [, endpoints]) With your notation: write to RegexObject.match (string, [pause], [endpoint]) Must be: r.match ("foo" ,,) Nesting is required because if you supply the third parameter, then you The second parameter should also be provided, although this is an optional parameter. The following non-nested options will be ambiguous: RegexObject.match (string [, pos] [, endpoints])

controller - Zend Framework and keeping all of my code together -

मैंने अपने application.ini : [विकास: उत्पादन] phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1 phpSettings.display_errors = 1 includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library" bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php" bootstrap.class = "बूटस्ट्रैप" संसाधनों। frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/ नियंत्रक" autoloadernamespaces [] = "DP_" इस तरह, मेरी नियंत्रक के भीतर, मैं कह सकता हूँ नई DP_Form_Login () , और यह फॉर्म क्लास को पुस्तकालय / डीपी / फॉर्म / लॉगइन.एफ़पी से लोड करेगा। वहाँ एक रास्ता तो है, इसे बनाने के लिए इतना है कि मेरी नियंत्रक वर्ग (जो मैं अब DP_Controller_Login कहा जाता है, और करने के लिए में रखा पुस्तकालय / डी पी / नियंत्रक / login.php जब मैं / लॉगिन तक पहुंचता हूं, तो वास्तव में आप सभी चाहते हैं में अपने नियंत्रकों controllerDirectory ... इसी तरह आप APPLICATION_PATH / रूपों करने के लिए स्थानांतरित करने के लिए चाहते हो सकता है मानक जगह thats के रूप में। पुस्तकालय आम तौ...

deployment - VS2008 Setup Project - Portability -

When I add a file to my setup deployment project, Visual Studio will not allow me to edit "SourcePath" An environment variable such as $ (DLL_PATH) adds a file to the source path on my local machine and locates at the local level, when the same project is created on another machine, it will not work until that machine Not even the exact path to the required files. I want to solve SourcePath $ (DLL_PATH), a machine has correctly defined that the MSI package will build properly. The object is not definitive, because I look like any other build machine but there is no control. If I try to allocate a known directory to a virtual drive, can it possibly fail? Your substitute condition is to use subst.exe or junction point to create a virtual directory. For information on junction points, see Subst.exe simply creates a virtual drive letter; Keep all deployed files in some directory trees with well-defined, stable all-path, and that root of that tree is a junction point ...

tsql - SQL Help: Find which columns caused the mismatch -

The questions below select rows from table_1 which are not present in the table based on values ​​of 4 columns. Due to one or more columns may be mismatched. I want to tell the query in detail what column (column) shows the mismatched values ​​either in the column name or its value. I can do this in the cursor but if possible it likes to do it in a set-based operation. Selection i.agent,, i.customer, i.Company as table_1 where I do not exist (SELECT p.agent,, p.customer, from table_2 as p WHERE i.Agent = p.Agent and = p.Agency and i.customer = p.customer and = p.Company) Update: I think that requires more refinement than this, let's add that 4 out of 4 columns need to match. You can simplify this problem if you need to do some columns , or at least some expectations in which the columns should match. In other words, instead of looking at it as a non-match problem, redefine it as a partial match problem. Assu...

flex - Simpliest ancestor for a clickable, hand-drawn component? -

I am creating a component that would be a big plus or a big minus. I do not want to use a bitmap because I can also draw it using the graphics class, but the component should be clickable (not the size class). This will be part of an item renderer, so I want to keep it as light weight as possible. I thank you for any thoughts A Sprite Object Suggesting to create and highlight zero and plus arrows for its graphics object. Then you have to add EventListener (Mouse Event Clip, some functions); You will need it in its constructor or anywhere. At that time you can set the cache bitmap to the right, so that each frame can not be rebuilt. Edit: Per @jeremybrown you must use the Sprite Asset class if you are working in Flex, apparently very similar, but the second 2 levels of intangibles are added .

spline - How can I smooth an array in R? -

I have a 2-D array in R, which represents the value data for the grid of rows and columns. It looks like: [, 1] [, 2] [, 3] [, 4] [1,] 1 1 2 1 [2,] 1 5 6 3 [3,] 2 3 2 1 [4,] 1 1 1 I want to "smooth" these values ​​at this proof-of-concept point, I use any popular smoothing ceremony OK to do I am currently trying to use the smooth.spline function: smooth.spline (x, y = null, w = null, df, spar = Null, cv = FALSE, all.knots = FALSE, nknots = NULL, = TRUE, df.offset = 0, penalty = 1, control.spar = list ()) By ( When I run it, I get this error: > Smooth. ) Error: At least four unique 'x' values ​​are required There are four or more unique values ​​in each column in my array, so I I'm not sure I do not know how to properly format input data Can someone give me some pointers to talk like this? Examples of functions like Smoother with single-dimension vectors I do not seem to be extrapolating in the 2-D world. I'm a new novi...

How to find the current day of the year in PHP? -

Is PHP a standard function that will find the number of days of the year based on the current date? Example: Jan 22nd = 22 Feb 27th = 58 Mar 5th = 64 If there is no standard function, then Has anyone been able to handle some similar conversion? What is all involved? date ('z') + 1;

jQuery and TinyMCE: textarea value doesn't submit -

I'm using and submitting a form, but the texture does not post the price, a problem in that order is. Here's the code: & lt; Form ID = "MyForm" method = "post" action = "post.php" & gt; & Lt; Text field name = "question_text" id = "question_text" style = "width: 543px; height: 250px;" & gt; & Lt; / Textarea & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; $ ('# MyForm') submitted (function () {$ .ajax ({type: 'POST', URL : $ (This) .attr ('verb'), data: $ (this). Serialize (), success: function (data) {$ ('# result'). FadeIn ('slow'); $ ('# Result ') .html (data); $ (' loading '). Hide ();}}) returned;}); TinyMCE.init ({General option mode //: "textareas", theme: "advanced", // theme options theme_advanced_buttons1: "bold, italic, underline, separator, image, separator, justifyleft, justifycenter, justifyright, jformat...

BigTable Concept -

I need the contents or tutorials for books related to BigTable. Beyond the original paper, you can find many interesting links on the reference and "external links" Including videos as well as articles and c.

Dealing with high number of real-time calls to partner API in Rails -

Is received on the action of. I will have to pass in the request-specific parameters (such as IP, User-agent, etc.) for the Partner API and I will return the returns the user receives. Since the call to Partner API is very user-specific, I can not cache the response coming back from the participant API (like in a memcatch). I need to answer the user in 1500ms or less. My rail app is killing the wall in the context of requests / conditions, because the partner AP returns a response to each mangalal. In a recent demonstration test, I saw that the server only takes out 5 requests / seconds (5 mongolas running). I have some solutions to do that: 1) Make the Partner API respond faster. Actually, I can only drag this lever - from the partner In fact, with the hard work, the average reaction time is 200 min. 2) As long as I wait for the Partner API to come back, I try to use Rails :: Timeout, but it allows the waiting period in multiples of only one second. Can it be ti...

xhtml - If If iframe is not good to use then is there any other standard complaint way to get same thing like iframe? -

If using iframe is not good, then what is the other standard standard complaint method, like iframe? If someone gives you similar results like iframe, then for practical purposes this iframe and thus is not good :) If you can tell what you are trying to achieve ..?

javascript - assigning the result of a jsp confirm box to a php variable -

// यह php में है फ़ंक्शन msgbox ($ msg, $ प्रकार) {if ($ type == "alert") {// सरल चेतावनी विंडो? & Gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट भाषा = "जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; चेतावनी ("& lt ;? echo $ msg;; & gt;"); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; के & lt ;? } Elseif ($ type == "confirm") {// दर्ज करें कोड की पुष्टि करें यहां और उपयोग के लिए $ परिणाम वेरिएबल निर्दिष्ट करें इसमें "ठीक" और "रद्द करें" बटन शामिल होना चाहिए ? & Gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट भाषा = "जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; यदि (पुष्टि करें ("& lt ;? echo $ msg;; & gt;")) {& lt ;? $ परिणाम == "ठीक है"; ? & Gt; } और {& lt ;? $ परिणाम == "रद्द करें"; ? & Gt; } & Lt; / script & gt; के & lt ;? }} यदि ($ page_title- & gt; मौजूद है ()) {msgbox ("पृष्ठ मौजूद है, क्या आप हटाना चाहते हैं", "पुष्टि करें"); } यदि ($ परिणाम == "ठीक है") // कोड .. समस्या यह है कि $ प...

opengl - load .model file in C++ -

I am working on an OpenLL project in C ++. I need to write loader in input attributes from a .model file Is it possible that FSTRM can not handle any comments or advice? Thank you. You are probably using incorrectly fstream if you have it in text mode If you open, you'll get conversions that will mess up your loading process. You have to open the file as binary. std :: ifstream file ("something.model", std :: ios :: binary); You can then read in raw data: // read in float float; (& amp; F, Size (F)); However, you need to be aware that such as int or char are not required to correct the bit-width if you want to make sure, So you need a fixed-width integer. #include & lt; Boost / cstdint.hpp & gt; // ... // a 32-bit int boost: uint32_t i; (& amp; i, sizeof (i));

Python, Source-Code Encoding Problem -

I am using Notepad ++ Editor on windows with the format set on ASCII, I have "PEP 263: Source code Encodings "and modified my code accordingly (I think), but there are letters that are printing in hex ... #! / Usr / bin / python # - * - coding: UTF-8 - * - Import OS, sys a_munge = ["A", "4", "/ \\", "\ @", "/ - \\" , "^", "Ai", "?" ] "3", "3!", "(3", "/ 3", "B", "B", "8", "13", "I 3", "| 3", "P> ; "," "3", "] 3"] c_munge = ["C", "& lt;", "(", "{", "(c)"] d_munge = ["D", "|) "," "E", "" "," "," "", "", "", "" "" "," [] "," I "," "|", "" T) ...

templates - Silverlight TemplateBinding to RotateTransform -

I am trying to create the simplest Silverlight templated control, and I think that TemplateBinding is Angle Property RotateTransform's Here is ControlTemplate from Generic.xaml: & amp; the lift; ControlTemplate TargetType = "Local: CtlKnob" & gt; & Lt; Grid X: Name = "Grid" RenderTransformOrigin = "" & gt; & Lt; Grid.RenderTransform & gt; & Lt; TransformGroup & gt; & Lt; RotateTransform Angle = "{TemplateBinding Angle}" /> & Lt ;! - It does not work - & gt; & Lt ;! - & lt; RotateTransform angle = "70" /> - & gt; & Lt ;! - This works - & gt; & Lt; / TransformGroup & gt; & Lt; /Grid.RenderTransform> & Lt; Ellipse Stroke = "# FFB70404" StrokeTextness = "19" /> & Lt; Alipus stroke = "white" stroke light = "2" height = "16" vertical alignment = "top" horizontal alignme...

java - Problem in System.out.println statement -

Whenever we write a statement to print to console in the Java program: System.out.print or System.out.println Above both methods, we explicitly reference the contents of the printstream object to the package If we are calling without import, then how are we reaching those objective methods without error in any compilation? In the system object, IntStream embedded in objects so you do not need to import obviously - Runtime can achieve this information as it was properly embedded at compile time. As you have identified, if you have used a printstream object directly, you have to import this compilation phase does not know where it is (it can search, but it can easily give ambiguous results). Note also (if there is any confusion) is imported on java.lang , so you do not need an import statement for system

XAMPP Apache server not working on internal network -

I have XMP installed on my local laptop (Vista) and it works fine. Apache and MySQL are running as services, and I can get it for both and without any hassle. However, if I try to access the server from another laptop on my internal network by typing in an IP address, del> errors bar I miss out here ? When I run the Port Check, I get the following: Service Port Status ============= ==== ================================================== =========== Apache (HTTP) 80 program: C: \ XAMPP \ XAMPP \ Apache \ bin \ httpd.exe Apache (WebDAV) 81 Free Apache (HTTPS) 443 Program: C: \ XAMPP \ XAMPP \ Apache \ bin \ httpd.exe MySQL 3306 Program: C: \ Program Files \ MySQL \ MySQL Server 5.1 \ bin \ mysqld.exe and telnetting when I try Localhost port 80 For whatever works, my httpd-vhosts.conf file has the following lines : & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; ServerName Localhost Documentary "C: / xampp / xampp / htdocs /" & lt; / Virtualhost & gt; & Lt...

php - XML upload while parsing -

Is it possible to have an upload box on a website where the XML file is being uploaded, it can be parsed on it Is pahr So instead of waiting for the full file upload to fully prepare the values, say a div and then parse. No, the file needs to be fully uploaded before you move_uploaded_file The function to move it to a temporary directory for processing.

sql - excel to oracle db using VS 2005 C# -

I want to create a feature that can import data from excel sheets (columns are fixed, but sheets no Number may be) db Can you tell me how: Read Excel Sheets (N Number)? (Best Methods) Validate Data? DB? My concern is display here, each sheet can have 200,000+ rows. Please - Please remember that I am a complete newbie for Oracle. You can use Microsoft Integration Services and bulk files with it Another way is to convert Excel Sheet to CVS and load them via Oracle Loader * Loader_FAQ

html - Forcing a certain width/height with overflow in a <td> -

मेरे पास & lt; तालिका & gt; के साथ टेबल-लेआउट सेट है निश्चित के लिए, ताकि सभी स्पष्ट चौड़ाई / ऊंचाई परिभाषाओं का सम्मान किया जाए, कोई बात नहीं मैं एक निश्चित & lt; td & gt; अतिप्रवाह करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन फिर भी मैंने टेबल-लेआउट: तय किया है यह काम नहीं करता है। मुझे इसे काम करने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए? यह काम नहीं करेगा क्योंकि & Lt; td & gt; हमेशा एक छवि का आकार होगा आप ऊँचाई और चौड़ाई विशेषताओं का उपयोग कर सकते हैं अगर छवि का आकार 400x300 है, तो और टाइप करके 100x100 छवि दिखाई देगी यदि आप किसी छवि उपयोग को क्रॉप करना चाहते हैं & lt; style & gt; #id {पृष्ठभूमि: यूआरएल (...) नो-दोहराना; / * आप यहां पृष्ठभूमि-स्थान सीएसएस संपत्ति का उपयोग कर सकते हैं ... * / ऊंचाई: 100px; चौड़ाई: 100px; & Lt; / शैली & gt; & Lt; div id = "image" & gt; & lt; / div & gt;

postgresql - Django can't syncdb after drop/create database -

I wanted to reset a database and had released a dropdown database after which a database was created on a postgrascape server Which is a dzenggo ap, via psycopg2 When I do ./ syncdb I get the following error: root @ ns204612: / home / someproject / prod / django- Mingus / Mingus # ./ syncdb Tracebacks (Most recent call end): File "./", in line 16, in & lt; Module & gt; Execute_manager (settings) file "/home/someproject/prod/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 362, in the execute_manager utility. Execute () file "/ home / someproject /prod/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 303, execute in itself. Fetch_command (sub-order). Run_from_argv (self.argv) file "/ home / someproject / prod /lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 19, in run_from_argv self.execute (* args, * * Option .__ dict__) file "/ home / som...

smalltalk - Working with Excel files in web app frameworks like Seaside -

I'm reading about the beach and reading it like a voice, but I can see an easy way to handle data files, mainly want to import excel. . Of course, CSV files will go straight ahead, but are there any ways to import various Excel formats (XLS, XLSX) without writing your own file parsing routine? I have heard that the need to open Excel files will be a good reason to choose a Windows based system like NAT, what do you think? There are several small-scale implementations that support the beach and that is the best integration in the Windows platform. :,, And. I believe it is possible to call Excel with any of these. There are so many available that you can convert an XLS file into something that you can easily parse (like CSV). However, I think that is one of the most elegant solutions (even from end-user perspective).

iphone - Filling a Nav Bar with an image -

I want to fill a nav bar completely with my own image. The image I created is 44 by 320 pixels. That is, I believe that the NAV is the size of the bar. I use the code below to insert an image in the nav bar. It works fine, but the image does not completely fill the place. It is full vertically, but there are some pixels (left and right) on each side that are not filled and the default navigation bar can be seen. Why is not the image in filling the image? UIImage * image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "NavTitle.png"]; Self.navigationItem.titleView = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: image] autorelease]; This is

java - Recommended language for writing a web service -

I am an open source developer, and I need to write a high-scalable web service for various reasons (for concurrency Basically poor support for), I am using Ruby on Rail for my app front-end, but not back-end (to read). My web service will need to call several Partner APIs for each request, so it should be smart about threading for high throughput. What language / stack does the community recommend to write such a web service? I have not written Java in a while (and it actually looks old school: D). I need to be able to prototype this service quickly. Which language / stack community does such a web site write is recommended? I have not written Java in a while (and it actually looks old school: D). I need to be able to prototype this service quickly. Then I would definitely advise using Java and JADAS API, which is annotated-based, like other Java EE5 API, reducing development. In other words, you have Java Note the class and the voice, you have done and deploy it as a we...

How does Mercurial stack up against GIT and SVN? -

With a recent tweet in the form of a DVCS with Phil Hack and others, I thought it could be of a value As a person who currently uses SVN for private projects and uses TFS in the office, Mercurial Applicability, how to make facilities and some of the better Mercurial hosting services Does it compare? Compared to GIT, Google recently published an interesting comparison of Git and Mercurial based on their evaluation: HTML>

How can I use arbitrary length integers in Perl? -

Is there a standard way of using arbitrary length integers in Perl? I am working on code which prepares the X64 assembly for testing, and I am tired of teasing 32 bit at a time. I'm using Perl 5.10.0, what's the cost. If you want to use only the bigger integer, then you bigint You can use, which you can scope of a file: Usage bilint; or just a limited area: {use built; ...; } If you need large floating point numbers as well as large integers, you can use the bignum pragma in the same way. Either way, this will slow down your program (or if you are doing so many maths then it is important), then you should use them for the parts where you really need them though, better than the right one If you want very precise control, which numbers use the big * math, then you can use those built-in classes that are not Applicable Instead of making your own words, look to big * to do everything that math :: Big * module. I talk about this in the benchmarki...

scala - Saving a Json extraction in Lift -

I'm trying to save data familiar with lifts' Jason data extraction and database it (through Mapper) But I can not get where to connect the snippet to Mapper, the code looks like this. Here's a test SNIPPIT. package com.testjson.snippet import dispatch._ import net.liftweb.json.JsonParser._ import is {ByteArrayOutputStream} import com.testjson.model.Done class HelloWorld {def how are = & lt; Period & gt; Welcome to Hello Lift at {} & lt; / Span & gt; Val http = new HTTP Val Bose = new ByteArrayOutputStream Val myRequest = new request ( "") Val rawdata = http (myRequest & gt; & gt; & gt; Bose) val bs = Bose .toString val json = parse (bs) underlying Val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats case class (sample1: string, sample2: string, sample3: string) case class two (samplea: string, sampleb: string , Samplec: list [two], data: list [list] [three] string, st...

linux - How to check which program runs inside gnome-terminal -

I want to write a program that prints the currently focused window name and if it is a gnome terminal The program running inside the current gnome-terminal tab (for example, if there is a Vim session running) To get the current focused window name, I used: EXPOP-ROT | Grep "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW (WINDOW)" XProp -id 0x220ad5a | Grep "WM_CLASS (STRING)" If the current window is a GNOME terminal, it will return 'gnome-terminal' but how do I specify gnome- Can know the program running within the terminal (more accurate: inside the current gnome-terminal tab)? I thought about using dbus but the GNOME-terminal does not support it. Obtain the GNOME Terminal PID, and check that in which process this number is PPID. I have a few days ago, see this link for details.

drop down menu - Magento : create ajax dropdown populated with labels of 3 product's attributes. -

Greetings, I am inadvertently in need of it: There are 6 features with the "yes / no" value in the product. I need a dropdown on the page of that product which will populate with properties that have "yes" values. Properties are: Bundle 1, Bundle 2 ...., Bundle 6 When the selection is made - I have to know what has been selected to do with PHP on that page. I do not know what pre -expect is in Magento (in the context of AJAX snippets), which can be used for this, searching for solutions ... I made an extra request dragged from a newly created table in js and db (manually, for 1 product, for testing only) and it works. Thank you. This can not be absolutely helpful ... but I have recently created a module which That Magento's AJAX autopoiput functionality is taping in. This module makes an autopuplet of all manufacturers based on the string you are writing. I know that this is not straight, which you want to do, but it can help you get started...

Autoloading modularity/widgets in PHP, CodeIgniter/Kohana -

I was watching several template libraries, as if I have a fairly common sense in the general idea that is ready to download / use And what I want to use, so maybe you can help me. I am currently learning the codeigner, later thinking about going to Kohana. Based on the template / site requirements, I would like to include the controller / module (/ module function?). Example , so you will understand: I have a XML-defined page saved in MySQL, which states that and , I want to use the News panel / widget - something like: & lt; Div id = "sidebar" & gt; {Widget: News; 3; 60} & lt; / Div & gt; . I use the template parser and / or to do this , so in the main application I load the page, then the template. So I think which module / widget pages / templates use and load them dynamically, pass them to parameters (for example; 3; 60 - Modules News, 3 final, limited to 60 characters each Uses for this should be understandable - if I use the News module ...

mirroring - Create a mirror Git repository without transferring objects -

I have a set of large files (50 GB) and they are at a distance of two hosts and I thought They were included in several Geeta stores so that each one of the repo's mirror repos of each other. But I do not want to transfer files on the network because it takes a long time (50-60 hours) and it is unnecessary because the file is already on both sides. My idea was to have a GET repo on all sides, add all the files of each side to the local repo and then drag the ghet from each other. I thought the git should be considered enough that the files are identical and that they are moved. Can not do. But this does not seem like because on a small sample, it takes more time to pull (mostly in the "unpacking objects" phase) and maximizes the network connection between the two, so it seems to me that these git objects Unnecessarily transferring Does anyone consider how to do this without actually transferring files? Thank you! This is interesting because it has the same co...

visual studio 2008 - How to use msiexec to update a program -

I have .msi to install a program, on 'updates', I want to be able to check that someone Whether or not an update is available on the server, and if there is, install it. Can MSIX do this? I have looked around, and I can find that / update just applies the .msp patch. Is the MSP patch installed for the installer, or the patch for the installed application? Are the latest versions of the latest / MSP patching in the latest version of the installer / installation? If this is not possible through MSIXAC or is this problem problematic, then what is the option? MSIXAC does not do anything that you have described. The MSP file is a patch for the installed application, not the installer service. You can create a patch that applies to many products. You define this behavior in the summary information patch of the patch.

How accurate is the iPhone 3G GPS for measuring Distances between two CLLocation? -

In my application the user will keep the iPhone and will run in a straight line, the iPhone will alert the user to make the Lux every 2 meters. And record them. Is there enough GPS for this kind of work on the iPhone? (Given that this place is the airport runway and should have a clear reception of GPS satellite signals ...) No, you will not get that good about the 2 meter range of GPS, and usually requires no growing time 10 M thinks what you should get, though I get worse and (from above Clearly wet) Has heard better.

python - Reading path in templates -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 उत्तर क्या कोई तरीका है पढ़ने के लिए वर्तमान पृष्ठ का पथ? उदाहरण के लिए, मैं पर हूं - और मुझे '/ foo / bar /' पढ़ना है मुझे इसे संशोधित किए बिना टेम्पलेट फ़ाइल में करना पड़ता है, और मेरे पास प्रत्येक एक को संपादित करने के लिए बहुत अधिक दृश्य फ़ाइलें हैं। चीयर्स। संदर्भ प्रोसेसर सक्षम के साथ, आप अपने सभी टेम्पलेट में url पथ प्राप्त करने के लिए {{request.path}} का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

parsing - How to parse a folder path with spaces in C code -

मैं इस साधारण सी कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: char * command = NULL; Sprintf (कमांड, "एलएस% s", फ़ोल्डरपथ); प्रणाली (आदेश); समस्या यह है कि फ़ोल्डर का नाम उसमें एक स्थान है ... मुझे पता है कि यूनिक्स में मुझे "\" जोड़ने की आवश्यकता है, उदाहरण के लिए ls my \ folder \ name मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? धन्यवाद!! सरल तरीके से फ़ोल्डर का नाम एकल उद्धरण चिह्नों में रखना है - sprintf ( आदेश, "ls '% s'", फ़ोल्डर); कमांड इंजेक्शन के लिए देखें क्योंकि @ एंडिम हमें याद दिलाता है।

jquery - Multiple calls with Simple Modal OSX Style Dialog -

I am using simple model, OSX style version. I have two models of models and therefore there are two versions of the content when any of the buttons are clicked, then it only selects the first item To hook the material on most modal windows There is nowhere to go because there is no JavaScript on the page to add parameters ... There are obvious reasons only for an external .js file for which I do not want to touch. Can anyone help me with this problem? I did the same thing on a site I am building separately for each model Made the content and gave each one a unique ID. So my content looks like this: & lt; An id = 'help' & gt; Help content & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; An id = 'about' & gt; About content & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; An id = 'option' & gt; Option content & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div id = 'modal_help' & gt; Help content & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = 'modal_about' ...

Debugging Linux Kernel in VMWare with Windows host -

I am working on my first kernel module so that I am slightly new on this ... My modules are sometimes creating panic and I can not get it using the print below. As far as I can tell my options for debugging: 1. Find Generated Oops Messages and Use ksymoops or 2.) Try Remote Debug Using Kgdb I'm working on a Windows host And I'm running Ubuntu in VMware so that things get a bit complicated. I want to try the OOPS message first but I do not know how to capture it. Do I need to run a serial console when this happens? If so, how can I do with a Windows host? Do I need two VMs? Like I said, I am slightly new to this (and in general, Linux), so I can actually use some guidance. Thanks! Some time ago I used the technique "Elinirus" successfully explained that part in detail I've actually used it directly from the Windows host: Therefore after installing VM (primarily after enabling remote debugging and downloading the kernel (vmlinux file, not v...

BlackBerry Code Signing for Multiple OS'es -

I want to do some things and wondering if they are possible, and if so, how to do them. I was going to create a virtual machine to run code-signing. In this way, if my computer dies, then I can expect that downtime will be less than just running VM in a new system. I know that the key to the code is made of those machines that they run. If someone has signed the code in VM and has switched VM to some other physical machine, please tell me if the keys continue to work or not. I also wanted to run more than one JDE in VM. I use code signature app located in the directory of each JDE, which code code for different OS code code. Is it possible to run multiple JDI on the same system and be able to sign the code for a specific OS (I plan on signing code for JDE 4.2.1, 4.5, 4.6.1, 4.7, and finally 5.0 Am VM). If so, do I need many keys - one for every Jde version - or is there any way to use the same key for different versions? Thank you for any help in answering this. It is defin...

random - Why is (rand() % anything) always 0 in C++? -

I'm having trouble rand () to work in C ++ Rand () Gives a large number when I try to use the modulo operator (%) to give it a range, it always returns to 0, no matter what? At the beginning of the program, the random number generator does not help in ceding. The following code works fine for me (excluding a random number of 0 1000 times each Left after running): #include & lt; Cstdlib & gt; # Include & lt; Ctime & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; Int main () {std :: srand (time (0)); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; (Std :: rand ()% 1000) & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Return 0; }

c++ - inline virtual function -

In C ++, my understanding is that the virtual function can be underlined, but in general, The signal is ignored. It seems that inline virtual functions do not matter too much. Is that correct? Can anyone make a case in which an inline virtual function is good? By having this happen, a virtual function call can only be generated inline if the compiler can determine the actual type for which the function will be used. , Instead it should be something derived from Class X or X. An inline virtual function is understood in primary time, if you have a performance critical position, and know that a class will often be used in a manner that determines the compiler for the actual type (And optimizes the call through at least one target compiler pointer)

jvm hotspot - execute new java code in existing jvm process -

I have a Java process that is currently running under a windows shell. The thread responsible for serialization is blocked indefinitely and as a result important information stored in memory is no longer being written on disk. If I close this process, the information will be lost. If I can write and compile some new code and execute it in the same memory space, then before that I told the serial before I stopped the shutdown process. can go. Code> Java-Player command With Hotspot VM features, is there any way to achieve this? You can use to attach to virtual machines. Here is an example of a code: string agent jar = "myAgent.jar"; VirtualMochine VM = VirtualMatchin.Tatch (Processed); Vm.loadAgent (agentJAR); Where is the name of your jar? The agent is the one in the jar, which can interface with JVM using the instrumentation API. To create an agent that loads at runtime, you can implement the agentmain function like this: Public Static...

zend framework - Uncaught exception 'Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception' -

I get the following error on the Zend Framework: Fatal Error: Ignored Exceptions 'Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception' In the message 'Invalid Controller Specified (Error)' in F: \ wamp \ www \ helloworld \ library \ Zend \ Controller \ Dispatcher \ Standard.php: 245 Stack Trace: # 0 F: \ wamp \ www \ helloworld \ library \ Zend \ Controller \ Front.php (946): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard-> Send (Object (Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object (Zend_Controller_Response_Http) # 1F: \ wamp \ www \ helloworld \ library \ Zend \ Controller \ Front.php (212) : Zend_Controller_Front-> Sending ( ) # 2 F: \ wamp \ www \ helloworld \ web_root \ index.php (10): Zend_Controller_Front :: Run ('../ application / ...') # 3 {main} Throw in F: Write in the index.php file $ frontControl Alternatively you can write the following line; In the [Production] section of the Application.ini file: resources.frontController.params.useDefaultContro...

Query joining in sql server 2005 -

मेरे पास दो प्रश्न हैं: का चयन करें PC_COMP_CODE, PC_SL_LDGR_CODE, PC_SL_ACNO ACCOUNT, COUNT ( PC_CHEQUE_NO) सीएचक्यू, एसएम (कन्वर्टर (फ्लोट, पीसी_एएमयूएयूटी)) जीएलएएसपीडीसी_चेएक्सास से सीएचक्यूएएमटी, जहां पीसीसीएमओपी_सीओडीई = 1 और सीसीडीआईडीसीडी पीसीएलएल एलएलडीआरआईसीओडीओ, पीसीएसएलएसएसीएनओ, पीसीसीओएमपी_ओएसीओएन, पीसीसीएलओएसीएनओ द्वारा पीसीएसएलआईएसीएन -------------- द्वारा नल ग्रुप है ------------------------------------ चयन करें COAD_PTY_FULL_NAME, PC_COMP_CODE, PC_SL_LDGR_CODE, PC_SL_ACNO, PC_DEPT_NO, PC_DOC_TYPE, PC_CHEQUE_NO , PC_BANK_AC_NO GLAS_PTY_ADDRESS, GLAS_SBLGR_MASTERS, GLAS_PDC_CHEQUES कहां COAD_COMP_CODE = '1' और SLMA_COMP_CODE = COAD_COMP_CODE और SLMA_ADDR_ID = COAD_ADDR_ID और SLMA_LDGRCTL_CODE = PC_SL_LDGR_CODE और PC_COMP_CODE = SLMA_COMP_CODE और SLMA_ACNO = PC_SL_ACNO और SLMA_LDGRCTL_YEAR = DBO.GLAS_VALIDATIONS_GET_OPEN_YEAR (PC_C से OMP_CODE) अगर मैं अकेले पहली क्वेरी निष्पादित करता हूं तो मुझे 5 रिकॉर्ड मिलते हैं ... अगर मैं ऊपर की दो क्वेरी में शा... mvc - How can I deploy MVC App on IIS 5.1? -

I want to implement an MVC application on IIS 5.1. I am using MVC2. How can I go about doing this? Does it seem a bit tricky? Relationship, Caps You must add wildcard mapping Right-click on the virtual directory and select Properties. On the Virtual Directory tab, Configuration . On the first tab, add the hit. Browse ASP.NET ISAPI. Type . * for uncheck check that file . Click OK.

iphone - Use of nested references in objective C -

Obtain an error message "Use nested functions are disabled, fired in x-loaded / objectionable" etc. This is the code (balls are an NSMutableArray, which points to a group of UIViewview). CGPOINT POSUZ = [[self.bill object atindexx: pointindex] center]; But the following seems to compile properly. UIView * ref = [self.balls objectAtIndex: pointidx]; CG point pos = ref Center; Should I use "-fested-function" to re-enable (and if so, where do I place "-fnested-functions")? Or just me additionally, usually when you see nested function warnings, what exactly do you have? There is a syntax error. Is pointIdax an integer and balls is an NSArray? Also, do you have a property for balls? self.balls instead of balls . Edit: Since it's time for a compilation, I am thinking that like passing it on the center on NSObject What will happen if you insert an object: CGPoint pos = [(UIView *) ([self.balls objectAtIndex: pointidx]) cente...

java - How to create a generic XSD type -

I have a Java application where I can type XSD with the same type Now I need any type of XSD, on which I can make any type of map. As we have an object type in Java, it is possible to create an XSD. EDIT: It is possible at complex type level. Yes, it is possible. Type xsd: anyType . Here's an example: & lt; Xsd: element name = "anything" type = "xsd: anyType" /> (taken from) Here's a more complex example: & lt; Xsd: complex type & gt; & Lt; XSD: complexContent & gt; & Lt; Xsd: ban base = "xsd: anytype" & gt; & Lt; Xsd: attribute name = "currency" type = "xsd: string" /> & Lt; Xsd: attribute name = "value" type = "xsd: decimal" /> & Lt; / XSD: Ban & gt; & Lt; / XSD: complexContent & gt; & Lt; / XSD: complexType & gt; (from primer - it is worth attentive to it)

qt - Problem compiling Linux source -

I am trying to compile the Linux source, but the QT is always unavailable, here is an output [Root @ localhost linux-] # yum install qt3 Loaded plugin: Refresh -PacketKit installation process package installation qt3-3.3.8b-25.fc11.i586 is already installed and latest Version [Root @ Local Host Linux -] #Macxconfig Check QT * * Unable to locate QT3 installation Please make sure that * QT3 VIC Sense package is installed properly and * either install pkg-config or set the QTDIR environment variable * to the right place * Create [1]: *** There is no rule to create 'script / configure / .tmp_qtcheck' , Which is required by 'Script / Configure / QT Configuration'. Stop. Make: *** [xconfig] Error 2 [root @ localhost linux -] #quote $ QTDIR / url / lib /qt-3.3 [root @ localhost linux -] # What can be the problem? Maybe you have just installed libraries in the qt3 package but not the header files? You might have to install package qt...

clickonce - Problems using MsBuild using command line for Publish Click Once -

I have a Windows application in my solution in csproj, and I want to publish the use of the command line (bat, CMD) . My script is (I enter \ r \ n for better reading): SET MSBUILD = "% SystemRoot% \ Microsoft \ .NET \ Framework \ V3.5 \ MSBuild.exe "SET CARWIN =" .. \ .. \ Security.CarWin.csproj "% msbuild %% Reset msbild to publish target: rebuild;% CARWIN% / p: Publication Application Version Publish "/ P: Configuration = Release / P: PublicRL =" C: \ ClickOn \ Carvin. WebInstall \ PublicKion \ "/ P: InstallLow =" http: // Desever / CarvinCliconus / Pbassacin / "/ P: Publisher's Speech =" C: \ ClickOnce \ CarWin.WebInstall \ Publicacion \ " Note: I will also try to use / target: publish but in the path PublishDir or PublishUrl (C: \ ClickOnce \ CarWin.WebInstall \ Publicacion) any file . I have seen many posts on this site and Google but I have not found any solution. View basically the Publ...

html - 100% div height -

Everyone I am preparing a webpage with a liquid layout. I want to keep the width of 100% and the height 100%. The problem is that I do not know the way to keep "left" and "right" divs with 100% height inside my parents div "wrapper" & lt; Div id = "container" style = "width: 100%; height: 100%" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "header" style = "width: 100%; height: 100px" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "wrapper" style = "width: 100%; height: (100% - 100px)" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "left" style = "width: 250px; height: (100% - 100px)" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "right" style = "width: (100% - 250px); height: (100% - 100px)" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Please help. Answer from css html, body {height: 100%; Margin...

encoding - Sharepoint Designer stripping accent -

I have a problem with Sharepoint Designer every time I put an accent in the form of my HTML institutions: either and # 233; or and eacute; , the Sharepoint Designer changes it, é is not visible on check-ins and when accessing the page on Internet Explorer. Is this an encoding problem? What can I do to avoid this? Yes, this is an encoding problem. -8, why not? You can change the default encoding for new pages in the Tools / Options / Default fonts. You can change the encoding of existing page by right-clicking on the page, selecting "page options" and then changing the "HTML encoding" attribute in the "Languages" tab .

crossdomain.xml - Flash banner, crossdomain and XML loading -

I want to create a flash banner with XML content, and want to host it on my site with crossdomain.xml, And then share the banner code with other sites for banner exchange. So, everything is on my server. If the banner and XML are on both, the banner will load on other sites, load the XML from my server, the same server, but the banner is loaded on other sites? Sorry, my english is useless, hope that you will understand :) same server you will not need one XML

Installing Ruby on Rails in windows 7 -

I've seen some Ruby tutorials today and liked to learn it. The problem is that I am stuck with the installation process! I can not get a clear picture on how to install ROR. For example, to write PHP code I installed Vamp and started writing php scripts directly and I got Dreamweaver CS4 An IDE. Can someone illuminate me: 1) The process of installing ROR? 2) An IDE for ROR 3) What are gems? Are they modules? thanks :) Update: (2011 -11- 05) RubyInstaller is now mature and is the preferred method of installing: SQLite can also be installed normally as well Original post: (2010-01-25) The best way to get started is by using one-click installer. I recommend using the old installer () instead of the new Ruby Installer, because there is still something immature later on. To reduce access to Ruby Binary, installing Ruby Guns and adding palette option. After installing (takes some time), set a console to fire, and using rail (and a database connector, such...

Recursive search method in c# -

I have now decided not to keep this report in the form of embedded resources in the application, and they are located locally on the server Have decided to move. The advantages are clear, but considering that I want to organize the directories in a clear way (general report, letterheads etc.) When I call a recurring search method, I only need a way to load reports by name. My plan is to use the cache which can be created at the beginning of the application and then can search in a list or use a method that searches for the name of the report every time ... Finally, any ideas and examples are welcome with the code (C #)! The folder structure might look like: \\ webserver \ report (report files with unique names) \\ webserver \ reports \ General (report \\ webserver \ reports \ manager1 (report files with unique names) \\ webserver \ reports \ manager 1 \ invoices (files with unique names Report) \\ webserver \ reports \ managerN (unique files report files) This can be ...

ruby on rails - Machinist vs FactoryGirl - pros and cons -

I am working with factory asses, but I am looking at mechanical gems. Can you tell me - what are the professional and the opposition to the machine manufacturer to flee? Have you compared them to Libya? Actually very motivated, but diverse because the author of the machine wanted a different syntax. Since then, the factory group added different syntax layers to simulate other factory libraries (including the machine's "blueprint" syntax). In other words, both are very similar, just with a different default syntax. Personally, I use the girl in the factory.

iphone - Reading Open-XML documents in IOS -

I used the .pdf class to read CGPDFDocument Have # retrieve pages or drag a page back by number. I am looking for a similar library that will do the same for documents in the Microsoft Word format. I am not interested in using Safari to see the document. I have seen some apps in the App Store, such as MS Office docs such as " .docx , .xlsx , etc., but I do the same library I am in search of, to enable the development of my own app. Can anyone tell me in the right direction? The document type (which have x in the end, such as .docx , .xlsx ) created with the latest versions of Microsoft Office , .pptx , etc.) In the form of OpenXML standard is saved, which is quite well documented. I mention this because searching for more help in reading and parsing document formats for your application (documents) It will be helpful to you. He said, it seems that you are looking for a standard library with which you can read these types of documents with audience-C and...

forms - Need help modifying multiple models example from advanced rails recipes book -

I am developing a simple rail app for my own use for learning purposes and I have 2 models in 1 I am trying to handle the form. I have followed the example in Chapter 13 of Advanced Tracks Recipes and have worked with some simple modifications for their own purpose. I have 2 model invoices and invoice phone numbers. Each invoice can have several invoice phone numbers. What I want to do is ensure that each invoice includes at least 1 phone number. In the example given in the book, I place a 'Remove' link next to each phone number (Work in the book), I want to make sure that it does not have a link near the top-most phone number, but how do I understand it I can do this how to do it. Partial template that produces every line in the list of phone numbers in the invoice, is as follows; & lt; Div class = "invoice_phone_number" & gt; & Lt;% new_or_existing = invoice_phone_number.new_record? ? 'New': 'Existing'% & gt; & Lt;% prefi...

c++ - [c++winsock2.0]How to abort winsock blocking call ? -

I use Winsock 2 in C ++, and wonder how to stop reading my server from the client connection To do. The reading thread is blocked in recv () and I do not know how to cancel it. One way to do this is to use non-blocking sockets select () , but this thread has to wait before the new select () check. . What is the correct way to stop socket reading? If there are things other than your program working with socket I / O, Should not be blocked. If you claim your thread should wait, but it is just a reflection of the current design of your program, you should give it a new look so that it can be used for non-blocking sockets Work with some form Every networking problem can be addressed using non-blocking sockets. Since you are using Winsock, you have here, not just select () . Select () is a good option, if your application should run on multiple platforms and you are unable to use the best (but mutually incompatible) options available on every modern platform.

c# - Download a zip folder from a remote server and unzip folder from a silverlight application -

How can I download a zipped folder from a remote server and unzip the whole files in the folder and save them to a separate storage location I can store 3 or 4 out of the browser application with silver light. Any suggestion please You can download a zip file like any file with the webclant class See details for this, and examples of MSDN documentation for this also show how a specific file can be downloaded and received from a zip file. However if you want to list files, check out, I did not really try it, but it shows how to get all the files in the zip archive. EDIT: I have also come to know that some suggestions have been provided, in addition to the other things, it is for Silverlight, which seems a little more robust. Then use the class to save the files. Good luck! Hail

java - Multiple file upload (even folder) -

I'm looking for an easy (free) "module" that can upload many files / folders. It is necessary: ​​ Support image files user-friendly customizable this can be Flash Thank you in advance: ROR (Ruby on Rail) Java Flash Take a look here article How to use paperclip in Or you can try, a javascript & amp; Flash Solution for File Uploads

Automatic generation of unit tests for Java? -

Any device for the unit tests automatically for Java ? Update: To use the primary purpose, the unit test is generated quickly to inherit the code that is being repeated again after the automatic generation code There is no need to do a manual test. Almost the same question was asked here, but the answer was for the net instead of Java (accepted answer): A JUnit test is the generation module which sounds like it will be what you have to do. See. is a fair price product, only $ 9.99 per user per day. Checkable. Try one before purchasing all the three product options, so that you can use it to compare the generated code against the small set of your application.

Select data in mysql where delimiters are two data alphanumeric data fields -

There are two columns in my table structure, for an initial limit and for the completion of second class. Both are alphanumeric such as: SELECT form table where range1 & lt; = 'User_input' and range2> = 'user_input'; I have to search the user input as a line, according to an alphanumeric string. But range 1, range 2 and user_input are alphanumeric values ​​(barcodes). There are alphanumeric numbers generated by some PHP functions in category 1 and range 2 series. For category 1 156WB562789 and for class 2 156WB562880 change the limit in the previous 3 characters (which are the numbers) in Border 1 and Border 2, they are all the same. If your barcode is always the same structure ( [0- 9] {3} [AZ ] {2} is [0-9] {5} ), you can divide it into 3 cols ( part1 part2 part3 ) and then split the user's string and make a query that will work with those three columns. This is not the optimal solution but I do not have any other right now.

python - Function called three times when in facebook? -

I am using the following code to add one to two values, if the user found a course. def challengeewin (request): UID = 1313693 tempuser = User.objects.get (id = uid) tempuser.challengeswon = tempuser.challengeswon + 1 tempuser.silver = tempuser.silver + 1 tempuser .save () Return HTTPPRESSPassion () If I'm working outside of the Facebook Canvas page then it works fine, canvas is replaced with 1 instead of 1 in page 3 . Any ideas? I think the code you include is not a criminal. Did you confirm that challengeewin (request); is not being called 3 times?

Sharepoint deployment packaging (simplest!) -

I am what I find simple and effective method of SharePoint deployment? It is believed that you have a package and you do not need to move dependencies separately, appoint a device, but I am inauspicious to get any help from it. It successfully creates an export package, but when I import a package on a different machine it does not work. I need to deploy remotely from the package on a different machine I utility deployment looks the easiest way to SharePoint package, but for me it will always end up with an error log: [ 2010/01/25 05:31:59]: Start time: 1 / 25/2010 5:31:59 PM [1/25/2010 5:31:59 PM]: Progress: Start importing [2010-01-01 25 05:32:10]: FatalError: can not find WebTemplate JRIM # 75,805 with LCID 1033. on Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ImportRequirementsManager.VerifyWebTemplate (SPRequirementObject reqObj) on Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ImportRequirementsManager . Valid on Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ImportRequirementsManager.DeserializeAndValidate (SPReq...