c# - Manually fetch values from asp.net control -
I have a FormView control with two text boxes. Data source control is a ObjectDataSource
I want to get the two text boxes for these values, a user Create an object and pass it Objektdeta source, in which an input method that accepts a user object
I think I would do it
safety Objektdeta source Ughrrt Insrting (object sender, Objektdetasorsav Ntargs e) {// string _ussernam = form Viuuuaiaderdayfl? // string_password = form VUUder details? User User = New User {UserName = _userName, Password = _password}; E.InputParameters.Add (user); }
Thank you
If you control in the form, you
TextBox myTextBox = (TextBox) can use MyFormView.Row.FindControl ( "controlID");
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