c# - To Constructor Inject Or Not With TDD? -

I have a method that I'm trying to test the unit using a query object, I type this query object I would like to stub my unit tests for this query object in a dependency (unitofwork) I'm using IOC / DI container to instantaneously my items in the app, however I do not use container while doing TDD I like the way I look at it, I have 2 choices:

  1. Add a query object to the query object as a field or property, and it's the CTOR argument Inject in form. Although it does not seem right that this 1 method is the only method that will use it, and if I ever need to add another method that used this query object, then the object
  2. Add the query object to the signature of the method. odor?

Is there any other option or petter for this? Or am I doing it wrong?

Here are some pseudo codes:

Option # 1

  Public Class Order Controller {Public Order Controller (IORDCF Query) {This.query = Query; } Private Readonly IOrderQuery query; Public quiz & lt; Order & gt; Ordering () {var results = query (...); ...}}  

option # 2

  public order order controller {public Q & A; Order & gt; Order whitening (IOrderQuery query) {var results = query (...); ...}}  

and my query object

  public class OrderQuery: IOrderQuery {public order (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork) {...}}  

If I ever want to add another method that uses this query object

If this prevents you from using constructor injection, consider taking a IOrderQueryFactory injection. instead of this.


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