- How to pass dymanicaly generated reults into a print friendly new window -

So I have a quiz user, and in the end they clearly get results.

A "Print result" feature that the customer wants to load in a new window with new CSS etc ...

My question is, I used a new window using Javascript How do I pass the results in? Generally I will do this with all the sessions, but the quiz and the results were all done with javascript.

I originally have this:

  $ ('# quizId .printquiz'). ("Click", function {event.preventDefault (); resultsHtml = $ ('# quizResultsContent') .html (); ('QuizResults.htm', 'Print', 'status = 0, Toolbar = 0 ");}  

I have to pass the resultsHtml on the QuizResults.htm page. Is this also possible?




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