Find a "work" email address for a person in iPhone Address Book? -

Can anyone get a specific type of email address from the e-mail address book? I know how to get all the email addresses for a person, and not how it should be recognized that what kind of e-mail address is ("home", "work", etc.) ... and neither And it would be better), a way to access that address without recurring it directly through them all.

Thank you. For example, if you have an ABR recorder named "person", then this code is a single nsetring set, called "NASTERD". Will use:

  // email address (if there is only one, then use it; Otherwise, first work email address Cfndex number = ABMultiValueGetCount (multi); if (calculation == 1) {value = ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex (multi, 0); email address = (NSString * ) Value; [email credit ;); CFRelease (value);} Else {for (CFIndex i = 0; i & lt; count; i ++) {label = ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex (multi, i); value = ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex (multi, i); // check If label (& amp; amp; amp; CFStringCompare (label, KABWorkLabel, 0) == 0) {emailAddress = (NSString *) value; [add email address]; breakdown;} CFRelease (label); CFRelease (Value);}} CFRelease (multi);  


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