c++ - Visual Studio linking error LNK2005 and LNK2020 -

I am using Visual Studio 2003 and I am getting the following linking error in my project:

< to pre> link ... link: warning LNK4075: ignoring due to '/ EDITANDCONTINUE' '/ INCREMENTAL: No specification msvcrtd.lib (MSVCR71D.dll): error LNK2005: _fprintf already LIBCMTD.lib define (fprintf.obj) C: \ documents and Settings \ mz07 \ Desktop \ projects \ HLconsoleExample \ debug \ HLconsoleExample.exe: fatal error LNK1169: found one or more times Cir Asit symbols

I joined the line libcmtd.lib "specific library neglect" and got another error:

link ... Link: Warning LNK4075: ignoring due to '/ EDITANDCONTINUE' '/ INCREMENTAL: No specification link: error LNK2020: unresolved token (0A000037) _CxxThrowException link: error LNK2020: link removed unresolved token (0A000039): fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved external < / Code>

This is the beginning of my main category:

  #include & lt; Cstdio & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; #if Defined (WIN32) #includes & lt; Conio.h & gt; #Alls # Include "ConIhaH" # #include Embed # & lt; HL / HL H & gt; # Include & lt; HD / HDH & gt; # Include & lt; HDU / hduVector.h & gt; # Include & lt; HDU / hduError.h & gt; ... int main (int argc, char * argv []) {HHD HHD; HHLRC HHLC; HDErrorInfo error; ...}  

I have included all the libraries using the Linker properties. Here's the command line output:

  / out: "C: \ Documents and Settings \ HLconsoleExample \ debug \ HLconsoleExample.exe \ mz07 \ Desktop \ Project" / INCREMENTAL / Nologo / NODEFAULTLIB : "Libcmtd.lib" / DEBUG / ASSEMBLYDEBUG / PDB: "C: \ Documents and Settings \ mz07 \ Desktop \ project \ HLconsole Example \ debug / HLconsoleExample.pdb" / Fixed: hl.lib hd.lib HDUD.lib kernel32 . Lib Usser32klib Gdi32klib Inspulklib Kdlg32klib Adwpi32klib Sell32klib Ole32klib Oleaut32klib Uidklib Odabk32klib Odbksp32klib "\ Program Files \ Sensbl \ 3DTouch \ Lib \ Hlklib" " \ Program Files \ SensAble \ 3DTouch \ lib \ hd.lib "" \ Program Files \ SensAble \ 3DTouch \ utilities \ src \ Hdu \ Debug \ HDUD.lib " 

I am new to C ++ and I really do not understand how the link works :) So any help is appreciated.

You are linking to a .lib whose code was compiled with an incompatible compiler setting. The problem is a project + property, C / C ++, code generation, runtime library. / MD / MT you will have to recreate .bibs to match your .exe project settings or other methods.


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