html flash embed -

I use js file AC_RunActiveContent.js or swfobject-1.5.js in html without using the code given below for my jQuery Lightbox File. It works fine for IE and Firefox Just want to know if there is a problem not to include AC_RunActiveContent.js or swfobject-1.5.js Whether to display Flash in different browser versions AC_RunActiveContent.js or Must be swfobject-1.5.js?

  & lt; Object class = "clayed: d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8 -444553540000" codebase = ",0,0,0 "Width =" 789 "height =" 617 "id =" loader "align =" medium "& gt; & Lt; Param name = "allowScriptAccess" value = "wahid" /> & Lt; Param name = "allowFullScreen" value = "wrong" /> & Lt; Param name = "movie" value = "en_MAIN.swf" /> & Lt; Param name = "quality" value = "high" /> & Lt; Param name = "bgcolor" value = "#ffffff" /> & Lt; Embed src = "en_MAIN.swf" quality = "high" bgcolor = "#ffffff" width = "789" height = "617" name = "loader" align = "middle" allowScriptAccess = "sameDomain" permission full screen = "wrong "Type =" App / X-Shockwave-Flash "Plugins Page =" "/> & Lt; / Object & gt; No, it's Adobe style standard markup. It works in all existing browsers.  

It is ugly, not valid and must be given twice per parameter, which are trying to address the embedded flash embedded script (and sometimes it also has an IE ' Object activation 'workaround which is no longer necessary). If you do not care about it, then you are right. If you do this, there is some discussion on the option.


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