c++ - why c++wt is not integrated with ExtJs 3.x ? and how is it possible to integrate it with that? -

I wonder why wt (WebToolkit for c ++) is not integrated with ExtJs 3.x Is still using extJs 2.x

And how is it possible to integrate with the updated version of extjs? I want to use some updated widgets from extjs 3.0 with the help of wt but unfortunately there is no chance: (< / P>


I understand that about the Ext JS style Not very happy in widgets now and prefer to use their widgets.

I think it is the most open source support questions It seems that any person working on the project is not interested in updating all the code to the latest version; if you really want, do it yourself, or pay someone :)

There is some interest in this and here's more information:

The summary of not renewing is basically:

No, I think they are not There are some boring licensing cents in fact no one Emweb does not care about leaving people :) And the fact is that ExtJS is actually getting buggy: -)


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