css - Why is Firefox displaying my page differently? -

The problem is this: I have three column layout pages on the right that is a commercial that I want to shut down on certain pages. I want to be able to expand the content and the page has two columns instead of three.

I found a solution using the display: table-cell . It works in the largest browsers but a strange problem is only in Firefox. When I go to my page then goes below the commercial content and the content is expanded, then when I hit the business to refresh and everything looks fine.

Can you please help?

Here's the CSS:

  #wrapper {width: 960px; Margin: 0 auto;} # left {float: left; Width: 220 pixels; Margin: 6px 0 px;} #content_drapper {float: left; Width: 724 pixels; Margin: 6px 0 0 5px;} #content {min-height: 400px; Minimum width: 522px; Max-width: 724px; Limit: Solid 1px #ccc; Padding: 12px; Vertical-align: top; Exhibit: Table-Cell; } #wright {width: 168 pixels; Padding: 0 6px 0 5px; Display: Table-Cell;}  

Internet Explorer Attribute, so if you are using Internet Explorer And, trying to check in Firefox, they will differentiate. Perhaps Firefox is working really but IE is not.

Any version of Internet Explorer (including IE8) supports property properties as "heirs", "inline-table", "run-in". "Table", "table-caption", "", "table-column", "table-column-group", "table-line", or "table-row-group".


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