dns - Trying to create a system to merge two lists of "buzz words" together, forming every possibility for domain availability checking? -

My problem is trying to make a name for the business and products of all my crazy ideas, which then needs To check your purchase availability for .com domain names.

So I have a pen and paper system where I make two lists of words ... for example A list and B.

I have to find or create a little app where I take each word from the list list, which can create and store custom lists, adds each word from list B (a complete list To create the list * Results of list B?)

After the list "ListalistB" result has been compiled, I want to see whether to purchase .com domain online through any other method. Available ...

And in the end Make a new list, together with each combination, any type of visual representation may represent one color or word if the combined word is available as a .com ... so i basically loop For the structure nested list A, can each index of the words in lo, through each word in the list B, and list C? Then when the list is completely complete, send a CSV? Somewhere to get online and then somehow get a new list back I feel that this is my uncompressive process.

Any suggestion in the algorithm is appreciated to create a list from two basic lists. Any help is appreciated for testing online domain names available through Godaddy, ICANN, etc. .. Any help where I can find this tool is already much appreciated ..

I can probably download a free SDK or device and I think that based on my C ++ experience some years ago, I think write in this language, but I'm definitely going to war. , And actually 3 years ago Nothing has been made since the college.

Thank you.

Here is a quick shell script that takes advantage of Chris's answer.

#! / Bin / sh ids_url = "http://instantdomainsese.com/services/quick/?name=" $ for (& lt; listA); For b in $ (& lt; listB); What is the advantage? = `Wget -qO- $ ids_url $ a $ b | Sed -e "s /.* 'com': 'u'. * // g" `[[" $ profit "==" "]; Then echo "$ a $ b.com unavailable" and repeat "$ a $ b.com available" again

it repeats through both lists, with WIT The DNS hits the service and looks for any results of "com": 'A', 'Foo', and 'Argurbar' in the 'a' list and 'gle' in the list 'B' The output should look like this:

  missing google.com foogle.com unavailable arglbargle .com available  

to view only available names From pipe through grep -v unavail .


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