iphone - NSURLConnection Not Returning Data -

I have an unusual problem. The code below is working fine and the data is being sent properly to the source, but NSURLConnection Nobody is returning anything from the trigger. The only logging objects are in the function that the request has been sent. Any ideas?

  // Code starts up from here NSData * myRequestData = [NSData dataWithBytes: [requeststring UTF8String] Length: [Request string length]]; NSURLRequest * Request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: urlPrefix]]; [Set http system: @ "post"]; [Set http: bb: myRequestData]; [Request Set Value: HTTP HeaderField for @ "App / X-www-Form-URLXode": @ "Content-Type"]; NSURLResponse * resp = zero; NSError * err = Zero; NSDTA * Response = [sending NSRR connection SynchronousAust: Returning Response: And Race Error: And Egg]; NSURLConnection * theConnection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest: Request Rep: Auto Start-up: Yes]; If (! Connection) {NSLog (@ "failed to submit the request"); } If (connection) {NSMutableData * receivedData = [[NSMutableData data] maintained]; NSLog (@ "connection made."); NSLog (@ "--------- Request submitted ---------"); NSLog (@ "receivedData:% @", received data); }} - (zero) connection: (NSURLConnection *) Connection Received Response: (NSURLResponse *) Response {NSLog (@ "Received response:% @", response); NSLog (@ "Received feedback, the number of maintaining connections is% d", [counting of connection]]; } - (Zero) Connection: (NSURLConnection *) Connection was Received: (NSDT *) Data {NSLOG (@ "Connection Received Data, Count Retains:% d", [Connection Maintaining Connection]); } - (Zero) Connection Definition Loading: (NSURL Connection Connection) Connection {NSLOG (@ "End Connection Counts:% d", [Calculate to Maintain Connection]); }  

This problem is:

  NSData * Feedback = [Send NSRR Connection SynchronousAust: Returning Response: & amp; Resp error: & amp ;;] ;; NSURLConnection * theConnection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest: Request Rep: Auto Start-up: Yes];  

First you start a synchronous request and then you start the request again , but from Asynchronous Does not make any sense

Try removing the first row.


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