java - Grails Warnings/Errors during run-app -

I am currently looking at the warnings given below when trying to run my Google App Engine / Grails test application in Eclipse Has been doing.

  1. Warning, overwrite the name of the name Start Getting Started
  2. Warning: C: \ Users \ Some Person Cumin \ 1.2.0 \ Projects \ test-grails \ plugins \ App-engine -0.8.8 \ gel-app \ conf \ spring not found.
  3. Warning: C: \ Users \ Some Person Cumin \ 1.2.0 \ Projects \ test-grails \ plugins \ app-engine-0.8.8 \ Greil-App \ Conf not found.
  4. Warning: C: \ Users \ Some Person Cumin \ 1.2.0 \ Projects did not find test-grails \ plugins \ app-engine-0.8.8 \ Grails-app \ conf \ hibernate.

Here is the output from the console:

  Base directory: C: \ Users \ Some person \ Workspace \ test-grails solution of dependency ... Dependency Solved in 1160ms. The script is running C: \ grails-1.2.0 \ scripts \ RunApp.groovy Warning, start the goal by overwriting the name of the nameGolovic [groovyc] 1 source file C: \ Users \ Some Compiling 1 person copy in Person \ workspace \ test-grails \ web-app \ WEB-INF \ classes [copy] C: \ Users \ Some Person \ .grails \ 1.2.0 \ projects \ test-Grails [copy] Confirm C: \ Users \ Some Person \ workspace \ test-Grails \ web-app \ WEB-INF AppEngine [Copy] Warning: C: \ Users \ Some People \ Greals \ 1.2. 0 \ projects \ test-grails \ plugins \ app-engine -0.8.8 \ gel-app \ conf \ spring not found. [Copy] Warning: C: \ Users \ Some people \ Greals \ 1.2.0 \ Projects \ test-grails \ plugins \ app-engine-0.8.8 \ grails-app \ conf not found. [Copy] Warning: C: \ Users \ Some people \ Greals \ 1.2.0 \ Projects \ test-grails \ plugins \ app-engine-0.8.8 \ grails-app \ conf \ hibernate was not found.  

I get this error after creating a grills project with the Spring Tools Suite (STS) and then installing the app engine plugin "grails install-plugin app-engine".

Any ideas how to solve these warnings?

WARNING 1 caused a problem in Grails' script I had a look in Jira, but its Could not see the bug report about I do not think this causes any side effects.

Alerts 2,3 and 4 are referring to folders inside the app engine plugin. Even if they are upset that they will not do any harm. The best part is that a JIA can be extended against the app-engine plugin, which requests the author to add those folders to prevent warnings.


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