lucene - How to use wildchards, fuzzy search with Solr? -

I use Solr to search my data and now I have recognized that some solr search query language features There is no word for me. I remember those capabilities:

  • Fuzzy search
  • wildcard *? - There is no need to set up yet. I
  • Field Specification - Currently I can not tell the search in the title: Blabla

So far as I know That these things should come from the default in Solar, but I do not have them clearly. I'll use Solr 1.4 here you can find thank you for your help.

Your fieldType name = "text" is missing many filter references For, here is the text field type from Basic Schema.Xml:

   & Lt ;! - In this example, we will only use synonyms at query time & lt; Filter class = "solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms = "index_synonyms.txt" Ignore = "true" extension = "wrong" /> - & gt; & Lt ;! - Removing the case insensitive stop term To add 'difference' to more accurate phrase queries, add positioning credence = true to both the pointer and the query analyzer. - & gt; & Lt; Ignore filter class = "solr.StopFilterFactory" = "true" word = "stopwords.txt" enabledPosignIncreates = "true" /> & Lt; Filter class = "solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generWordParts = "1" GenerationParts = "1" catenateWords = "1" catenateNumbers = "1" catenateAll = "0" partitiononcisechange = "1" /> & Lt; Filter class = "solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" /> & Lt; Filter class = "solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language = "English" protected = "protwords.txt" /> & Lt; / Analyzer & gt; & Lt; Analyzer type = "query" & gt; & Lt; Tokenizer class = "solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory" /> & Lt; Ignore filter class = "solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms = "synonyms.txt" = "true" detailed = "true" /> & lt; Ignore filter class = "solr.StopFilterFactory" = "true" word = "stopwords.txt" enabledPosignIncreates = "true" /> & Lt; Filter class = "solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generatedWordPartes = "1" generatedNumberparts = "1" catnet styles = "0" catnate numbers = "0" catnet al = "0" split onesize change = "1" /> & Lt; Filter class = "solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" /> & Lt; Filter class = "solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language = "English" protected = "protwords.txt" /> & Lt; / Analyzer & gt; & Lt; / FieldType & gt;  

For example, SnowballPorterFilterFactory is that which enables stemming.

I recommend making your schema based on the default schema.xml, tweaking and modifying as necessary (as opposed to starting from scratch).


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